Competitions for XenForo [Deleted]

Our first competition using this has just finished! Everything worked as it should and some good banter in the associated thread as well.

Did you get a lot of entries? Did you use it to try to get any new members and if so how did it work out.

I'm adding this to my site sometime next week. I'm getting excited.

This is from the competition archive screen. We average around 60-70 daily visitors at the moment.


Engagement on the discussion thread

Is there a way I could go about making an option to sometimes link to an "action" like a user posting a review or creating a thread in a certain category before being allowed to enter? Even if I had to employ a manual measure in conjunction with the competitions addon.

For instance, I could frame the comp like this "make a thread/review about a certain breed of chicken to gain entry into our competition."

Any suggestions would be welcome.
Hmm maybe.

You could edit a template and hide a word in the create thread form.

That word wools then be the answer to the competition.

So they have to do two things, provide the correct answer and have posted a thread. Obviously if they win and they haven't posted the thread then you can disqualify them but currently there's no system in place to programmatically disqualify and reallocate a winner. So that would be manual too.

Another idea is if you only create a question with a single answer then the competition entry is no longer multiple choice and there's a free text box for them to type an answer.

Your answer could be "I agree" and they type that to signify that they have completed the action and agree they will be disqualified.

Ah. Now another manual process could be you manually put people in a user group once they have completed their action. You could then set up the competition to only accept entries from they usergroup. This is probably the most elegant solution but also requires the most manual intervention.
Ah. Now another manual process could be you manually put people in a user group once they have completed their action. You could then set up the competition to only accept entries from they usergroup. This is probably the most elegant solution but also requires the most manual intervention.

User groups is probably the easiest one out of the three for me to implement but all three are better than what I could dream up - cheers :)

I'm going to have a good think about it now and come up with something for my next comp...
Hi, I just noticed a small "feature" in this.

If I create a competition, then save it and then edit it later - the "Create thread by:" is emptied. Noticed just before publishing a competition this morning!
What you have so far is very nice. But for that kind of money I would need to see a definitive roadmap of things to come.
@Stuart Wright @Chris Deeming

I'm making some tweaks using User Group Promotions so that only members who been registered for x days, and has posted x times can enter. Kind of messed up on this as I had a couple of people sign up purely to enter the competition (must have been searching Twitter for competitions), and sod's law one of them won!

Noticed a couple of things which I wondered if you could comment on in case I'm being stupid.
  • Set it so non-members can view the competition but not enter, and they arrive the competition directly rather than the Competition Index (for example via an old Facebook post or email link). "This competition has ended..." message is not displayed, just "You must be logged in to enter this competition".
  • If you then arrive as a member who has not reached the promotion criteria yet, then it says "You do not have permission to submit an entry for this competition.". Again it does this even if the competition is closed. It does display "the winner will be announced here after the closing date on Saturday 12th October, 2013.", but not that it's closed! If they think about it then they should put 2+2 together... possibly!
I'm just thinking this is going to create direct contact to me by confused people.

Hope that all makes sense. Any comments appreciated.
@Stuart Wright @Chris Deeming

I'm making some tweaks using User Group Promotions so that only members who been registered for x days, and has posted x times can enter. Kind of messed up on this as I had a couple of people sign up purely to enter the competition (must have been searching Twitter for competitions), and sod's law one of them won!

Noticed a couple of things which I wondered if you could comment on in case I'm being stupid.
  • Set it so non-members can view the competition but not enter, and they arrive the competition directly rather than the Competition Index (for example via an old Facebook post or email link). "This competition has ended..." message is not displayed, just "You must be logged in to enter this competition".
  • If you then arrive as a member who has not reached the promotion criteria yet, then it says "You do not have permission to submit an entry for this competition.". Again it does this even if the competition is closed. It does display "the winner will be announced here after the closing date on Saturday 12th October, 2013.", but not that it's closed! If they think about it then they should put 2+2 together... possibly!
I'm just thinking this is going to create direct contact to me by confused people.

Hope that all makes sense. Any comments appreciated.

I'm buying this in a today and I was thinking of doing the same type of user group promotion for the competitions. At least for competitions done my by forum. If it is a prize being offered by a business then I might allow all registered users. Not 100% on that one. I don't know if I will do the "has been a member for X amount of days" part but it might be a good idea for larger prizes.


I may revisit the criteria before I run the next competition in the next week or so. This is just a slightly annoyed knee jerk reaction to someone signing up just to enter, and darn well winning. Still a learning curve on this one :cautious:

The 7 day element is purely that someone could sign up, post crap 10 times then immediately enter with no chance to moderate them. This way having to wait a period of time, means I can moderate the posts and remove them if needed. I don't really want to moderate all new member posts, as I have never once needed to in 2 years.

Thinking about it, I run the competitions for 7 days, so perhaps 5 or 6 days before the promotion would at least allow a genuine new member to enter. Whichever way I'm hoping that putting a promotion in the way will cut down on it.

I may revisit the criteria before I run the next competition in the next week or so. This is just a slightly annoyed knee jerk reaction to someone signing up just to enter, and darn well winning. Still a learning curve on this one :cautious:

The 7 day element is purely that someone could sign up, post crap 10 times then immediately enter with no chance to moderate them. This way having to wait a period of time, means I can moderate the posts and remove them if needed. I don't really want to moderate all new member posts, as I have never once needed to in 2 years.

Thinking about it, I run the competitions for 7 days, so perhaps 5 or 6 days before the promotion would at least allow a genuine new member to enter. Whichever way I'm hoping that putting a promotion in the way will cut down on it.

There is an off chance that they will stay around. I know its slim. But with the new posting limits, at least they will need to post to win the next one.

From a forum owners view, it is a couple of new members (good), but they might not ever add any value to the forum. And that is if they add anything at all (not good). The worst part is, it might upset the long time members.

It would be nice if the winner were to post a thank you thread when they receive the prize. I find this helps because people see that they prizes are real.

I was thinking of getting the add on for the short posts so that that can't post short useless posts to reach the limit and I might do that. But after reading this this post it might be a good idea to have at least a 2-3 day window before they are allowed to stop any enter. This could solve some problems that you just mentioned.

I think the chances in this case are slim. We are a specific niche, so it's unlikely knowing the route he came to the site he is going to stay around. That said, he now only has to make 10 posts and he can enter future competitions.

The first competition I ran had some nice post-competition banter in the thread, and the winner posted a thank you when it arrived in the post.
I think the chances in this case are slim. We are a specific niche, so it's unlikely knowing the route he came to the site he is going to stay around. That said, he now only has to make 10 posts and he can enter future competitions.

The first competition I ran had some nice post-competition banter in the thread, and the winner posted a thank you when it arrived in the post.

I agree. I said slim because there are fans of those BMW's. With a more general one it might be more likely that they will stick around. I have been checking in on your site to see how it is going. It seems like people are interested so that is a good start.

I'm trying to decide on a product to offer for my first competition.

I got a fair bit of criticism from veteran AVForums members because a much larger proportion of competition winners are women than the usual forum population.
We surmised that lots of women register to enter competitions and have no interest in contributing to the forums in any other way.
This is the main reason why I specified a usergroup permission to enter competitions.
So, my advice would be to, of course, try and run as many competitions as possible.
Have some for lower value prizes open to new members to encourage people to register. You always want people to register :).
But reserve the big ticket prizes for those people in the next usergroup up the ladder. That way you don't annoy your veteran members.
Incidentally to get from new member to member on AVForums, people will have to earn 3 positive post ratings. So perhaps you will get your competition prize chasers to contribute to your forum after all.
I'm actually planning on having 4 tiers of membership with competitions exclusive to the higher levels also.
It means less entrants, but the competition sponsors get the same level of publicity on the home page sidebar and in the competition list.
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Thanks for the reply Stuart.

It's definitely a learning curve, probably should have thought it through more to start with. It's only going to cost me £3 in postage, as the prizes were donated anyway.

We haven't used groups that much as we just have those who register, and that's split in to those who post and those who only browse. There are historical reasons why we don't have paid memberships, or take any donations so no reason for the differentiation.

I've thought about using the groups (& promotion system) more, but never really had a good enough reason to implement them before. Along with this new promotion, I've created a matching trophy with the same criteria as well. Also updated the competition rules to make it clear as well.

Overall it's a bloody good system, and be even better once I find the best way of working for my site. A couple more trials, and I can start pushing some of our sponsors more prizes.
I got a fair bit of criticism from veteran AVForums members because a much larger proportion of competition winners are women than the usual forum population.
We surmised that lots of women register to enter competitions and have no interest in contributing to the forums in any other way.
This is the main reason why I specified a usergroup permission to enter competitions.
So, my advice would be to, of course, try and run as many competitions as possible.
Have some for lower value prizes open to new members to encourage people to register. You always want people to register :).
But reserve the big ticket prizes for those people in the next usergroup up the ladder. That way you don't annoy your veteran members.
Incidentally to get from new member to member on AVForums, people will have to earn 3 positive post ratings. So perhaps you will get your competition prize chasers to contribute to your forum after all.
I'm actually planning on having 4 tiers of membership with competitions exclusive to the higher levels also.
It means less entrants, but the competition sponsors get the same level of publicity on the home page sidebar and in the competition list.

I just bought this about 20 minutes ago. I want to thank you and @Chris Deeming for making this add on possible.

And thanks for sharing information on how you run things. I know you have a lot of experience with it so it helps us who are just getting started with it to get things running right.

So your sponsors don't have a problem with the limits on members at all? I was thinking that less might check out things in that contest if they are not able to enter but I guess they won't know till they click on it.

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