Comparing customizing xenforo vs vbulletin


Well-known member
My vbulletin site is customized probably more than about 99% of vbulletin site out there. I really know my way around vb. That being said I am really wanting to use xenforo for a new site. My reasons are performance and the over all direction of vbulletin. Talk to me about editing templates in xenforo. How is is handled and how does it compare to vbulletin? Also how does the xen portal (cms) compare to the vbulletin cms?
XenPorta is an add-on. However it contains a layout engine you can reuse on portals and forums.

TMS is here (and supports more than string replace), the editor automatically loads relative templates into one page so you can switch between them and save them all at once.

For in-code template editing, template hooks are all around the place, and you just need to add a function to access and modify the templates included in the hook.
It's much nicer with all kinds of small and thoughtful details to make it more comfy.
One big diference is finding a template - identifying which template - so much easier. Things aren't buried in messy nested dropdowns. Everything in the adminc[ is just a cl=ick or two to access.
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