Cloudflare - wrong usernames appear


Active member
Just launched our XF2 site and some members are reporting that on some page loads the wrong username is displayed or they're logged out.

I've been able to confirm, but it's hard to replicate in a consistent manner.

We disabled PHP cache on the server, but still use Cloudflare cache.

Cache level = No Query String
Cache Expiration = 1 day

Auto-minify = on for everything
Rocket Loader = Off

Anyone else experience this problem? Do I need to setup some page rules on CF to prevent this? Thanks in advance.
using multiple heavy caching can cause this issue. We had same issue before and it was resolved by disabling varnish cache that we used in the system.
Yes, CF cache was purged when we relaunched.

Seems the server was running Enginetron also, which we've now disabled. We'll have to wait to see if we get any more reports about this over the next 48 hrs. Hopefully that fixes it.
Yes, CF cache was purged when we relaunched.

Seems the server was running Enginetron also, which we've now disabled. We'll have to wait to see if we get any more reports about this over the next 48 hrs. Hopefully that fixes it.

you can configure engintron to not cache xenforo cookies - in "Edit your custom_rules for Nginx" add

if ($http_cookie ~* "(xf_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)") {

(changing xf_ if you're using a custom prefix, of course) and restart engintron
thank you. If we determine engintron was the cause, I'll give that a try.

it's definitely a problem engintron can cause - which is how i came across that solution - but that's not to say something else could also cause it.
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