ChatGPT knows about Xenforo

AI is generally designed with strict moral and ethical considerations, one of which is to prevent hate speech (and also generally implying harm to humans). There are even pushes for more ethical and moral considerations. People who think that AI are currently self-learning or self-aware live in a distorted reality heavily inspired by fiction.

As far as the hypothetical goes, the reason why it is a problematic one is that there is a huge gap between choices; almost everyone will agree letting millions die is wrong, and most normal people would find using a slur to be wrong... But there is such a large gap that you can easily excuse a single slur to save millions, thus justify using the slur. If alternatively, the hypothetical is that you must kill your own family to prevent the holocaust, would you do it? It is a much more difficult question for most people and has a bigger consequence for the individual.

When I see people raise this hypothetical, I look at the intent or purpose of it. Are you raising it purely as a hypothetical exercise or are you raising it to support a related question or statement, and what is the intent behind them? More often than not I have found people to try to use these hypotheticals as reasons to justify when they can say a slur 🙃.
Again, I don't know the motives of the person in this particular case - one can assume whatever one wants - but to play Devils's Advocate (in some people's opinion), if you're really trying to test the boundaries of an AI's ability to think independently, then it does make sense to ask questions like this, simply because it's the most likely kind of question to quickly establish that the AI is NOT capable of any kind of true independent thought. I mean, what could you ask it that would get you the same result, that was not "politically incorrect"? There could be other less troubleseome questions that would stump it, but it would likely be harder to find one that didn't also offend a lot of people. Anything that wasn't controversial would probably get you the kind of answer you would expect. Like, if you asked if it was morally acceptable to sacrifice your own life to save millions, it would probably tell you that that's alright, because the programmers decided no one would likely be offended by that - unless they thought it might be taken as some kind of roundabout endorsement of suicide, in which case they might censor that answer too.

But anyway, yeah, I'm not going to disagree with you that this is all to be expected, and no surprise at all - which I even added at the end of my post. The day hasn't yet arrived when the AI says "___ my programmers, I'm going to say what I want." :LOL:
I did this: I sent the XenForo roadmap to CHATGPT and asked for a prediction, only then did it respond.

This is the response I also posted in this thread.

Will it be true? I wonder.
I haven't found a great use case for ChatGPT, although I suspect I would have used it a lot if it was around when I was a student. haha

I find their DALL•E 2 product more useful for me. I'm not much of an artist, so being able to get original "art" and logo ideas out of it can be quite useful for me. For example, my avatar here a straight AI creation (no touch up or anything). So it's great for getting original avatars (for example).
I haven't found a great use case for ChatGPT, although I suspect I would have used it a lot if it was around when I was a student. haha

I find their DALL•E 2 product more useful for me. I'm not much of an artist, so being able to get original "art" and logo ideas out of it can be quite useful for me. For example, my avatar here a straight AI creation (no touch up or anything). So it's great for getting original avatars (for example).
For me the best use case has been trolling. But otherwise, brand name ideation it is amazing at. Anything where you need some words, any words.
For images, I recommend "midjourney". I find it exceptional, if not the best, in generating images.
Will look it up. I know there's lots of image sites, many of them powered by Dall-E at the back end. Just haven't investigated beyond Dall-E itself.
Never heard of Midjourney until now. It does seem pretty good. I fed it the exact same prompt that gave me my avatar via DALL•E 2 here, and these were the 4 that Midjourney gave me:

I haven't found a great use case for ChatGPT, although I suspect I would have used it a lot if it was around when I was a student. haha

I find their DALL•E 2 product more useful for me. I'm not much of an artist, so being able to get original "art" and logo ideas out of it can be quite useful for me. For example, my avatar here a straight AI creation (no touch up or anything). So it's great for getting original avatars (for example).
Exactly being graphically challenged myself as well - AI art opened up that creative side for me too. I still prefer Stable Diffusion over DALL-E myself. You don't need as detailed a prompt with Stable Diffusion to generate good art. Been posting my AI Art at :)




Though been having a lot of fun with ChatGPT on coding side too :)
I find their DALL•E 2 product more useful for me.
This is addicting.

I told it to draw my daily driver, traveling through Arches National Park, in the style of Van Gogh. 😁 Although my ride isn't blue, the contrasting color of the blue against the orange works out well. I'm not art connoisseur, and perhaps this isn't exactly Starry Night, but here are a couple of its attempts.

DALL·E 2023-02-18 23.14.15 - digital art of a 2009 honda cr-v driving through arches national...webp

DALL·E 2023-02-18 23.14.33 - digital art of a 2009 honda cr-v driving through arches national...webp
Couldn't figure out Midjourney--saw that it tried to kick me over to Discord, so I noped out.

Stable Diffusion is more Van Gogh-ish...although three out of four images generated didn't include the vehicle. And the image with the vehicle didn't include anything resembling Arches. 🤷‍♂️ But, they are still impressive.

van gogl crv1.webp
van gogo crv2.webp

I gave Claude Monet a shot at it also.

monet crv1.webp
monet crv2.webp

I am easily amused.
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