XF 1.2 Change read/new posts icon

Jamie Dabrowiecki

New member
It's my first time using XF, and I've sorted most of the stuff. I've installed a style, but I'm looking to alter the node icon that shows if it has unread/new posts in it.

Currently, it's a white envelope when there aren't any new posts, and it changes to a blue colour when there are new ones. I need this to be an orange colour, but I can't for the life of me find the image or where to upload one. Is this not done through uploading an image?
It sounds like you are using a custom style.

Check ACP -> Style Properties -> Node Icons.

Otherwise ask in the style thread.

Uploading an image is for posts only. You will need to FTP new node icons to the style directory on the server.
It's my first time using XF, and I've sorted most of the stuff. I've installed a style, but I'm looking to alter the node icon that shows if it has unread/new posts in it.

Currently, it's a white envelope when there aren't any new posts, and it changes to a blue colour when there are new ones. I need this to be an orange colour, but I can't for the life of me find the image or where to upload one. Is this not done through uploading an image?
Another user of one of those "horrible" pixelExit styles. ;)
I need to hit the site and see the latest on the xenFoogle Pro stuff. Been to long since I stopped by over there.
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