Cannot flip through the registered members page


Well-known member
The registered members page on my forum shows only the first page. If I click next or other page numbers, the page doesn't change. Would anyone know why?
Did this happen recently?
Possibly after adding some additional JavaScript to your site?

No actually it's been like for quite some time, a few weeks I think. I have no idea, what's causing it. I have some analytics and advertisement codes added to the footer and I just removed them to see if they are causing and they are not.
I can see quite a bit of extra .js for things like bible logos, quantserve, piwik, live chat, etc.

Thread navigation seems to be fine and I can't see anything obvious so it's possible one of those additional libraries is interfering.
It's only the members page that does it - thread list navigation is fine, as are profile posts. Obviously it works here.

The only thing I could see causing this is an add-on.
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