XF 1.3 Signature Still Displaying for Registered Members


Active member
Registered users are not allowed to edit or display signatures on my forum. They need to upgrade to a premium account in order to edit their signature.

However, I have noticed that members who upgraded previously but have not renewed their monthly or yearly membership still have their old signature displayed. I have checked user permissions and registered users cannot edit their signature; however the signature they created before continues to be displayed.

There does not seem to be any user permission on Xenforo that stops a signature from being displayed. Or perhaps I just cannot find it :)

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

You're a star Jeremy. That seems to be working perfectly.

For the benefit of others, here is the code I am now using:

<xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $message, 3,4,5}">
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature}">
            <div class="baseHtml signature messageText ugc{xen:if $message.isIgnored, ' ignored'}"><aside>{xen:raw $message.signatureHtml}</aside></div>

3 is my administrator admin group, 4 is for moderators, and 5 is for the upgraded/premium user group.
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