Demo: allow installation of add-ons for registered members


Active member
I am trying to help troubleshoot an add-on that I use.

Thought I would use a XF demo to test it on a clean installation, but was rejected.


Of course, I don't have access to config.php to change enableAddOnArchiveInstaller.

My suggestion, if it isn't too difficult:

For email addresses that are registered, paying users or logged in somehow, let them add and test add-ons in the XF demos.

Again, just trying to help troubleshoot an add-on that I use.

End of rant. Thank you, as always!
Unfortunately there are technical and logistical reasons why installing add-ons on the demo system is prevented.

This will not change any time soon, if ever.

Also - this isn't a valid suggestion for the software itself, so I am moving to the Feedback forum.
Errr.... couldn't you set up a second test site instance on your hosting (which is allowed as long as it's closed to the public and password protected from outside access) to do the same thing?
I don't know if the Cloud instance allows this or not if you are on the Cloud service.
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Could I? Yes, I could. It would take time to set up properly. The demo takes about 30 seconds to create. A copy on digitalocean or aws would probably take me a few hours.

I could have sworn that I have installed plug-ins on demo instances in the past...
Could I? Yes, I could. It would take time to set up properly. The demo takes about 30 seconds to create. A copy on digitalocean or aws would probably take me a few hours.

I could have sworn that I have installed plug-ins on demo instances in the past...
😂 Hours, it may not be 30 seconds, but it’s most certainly not hours. It’s a few mins at best.
Depending on your base hosting environment, it should take you no more than 30 minutes even if you are slow.
I use a VPS with CentMin's simple control panel, and I can have a developer site set up in about 10 minutes while taking my time.
Good for you. Maybe you can use that extra time to learn some social skills.
Have adequate "social skills", but I don't excel at the kiss *** skills.. but I do have an issue with folks "whining" when they can easily resolve the issue with about 30 minute of investment of time, instead apparently being "needy/wanty" and wanting to push what "they" want off on others. You were clearly shown (not only by me) that you could "resolve" your issue with a little work on your on part, but you were either apparently incapable of either understanding what you were given or simply to lazy to want to implement it (I wont take a position either way). Shoe fits? Feel free to wear it. It probably fits pretty well.
The ONLY exception to this may be if you are on the cloud as I can't speak to what XF offers to them since I don't "partake". With some simple research that YOU should be fully capable of doing (but appear to not want to, preferring to be "given" something), there are more than adequate resources to guide you on how to actually create your OWN development site to allow you to do all the neat "stuff" you want to without interfering with your main site and without depending on others to provide a service to you that you should be fully able to provide yourself if self hosted. Can't figure out how to follow them.. that's more of a "you" issue than an XF issue.
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