I am trying to help troubleshoot an add-on that I use.
Thought I would use a XF demo to test it on a clean installation, but was rejected.
Of course, I don't have access to config.php to change enableAddOnArchiveInstaller.
My suggestion, if it isn't too difficult:
For email addresses that are registered, paying users or logged in somehow, let them add and test add-ons in the XF demos.
Again, just trying to help troubleshoot an add-on that I use.
End of rant. Thank you, as always!
Thought I would use a XF demo to test it on a clean installation, but was rejected.
Of course, I don't have access to config.php to change enableAddOnArchiveInstaller.
My suggestion, if it isn't too difficult:
For email addresses that are registered, paying users or logged in somehow, let them add and test add-ons in the XF demos.
Again, just trying to help troubleshoot an add-on that I use.
End of rant. Thank you, as always!