California Case Update

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I think it's great that not only can XenForo move forward but everyone in this community can too! No more holding back, no more "I'm afraid to do anything because of the lawsuit". We know the answer, and it's the one we all hoped for.

So let's get back to building our communities! (y)
And communities I shall build. ;)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! We are all part of Xenforo's historical victory. Congratulations to KAM and all existing customers. No More waiting is required.
Next.... Lets wait for Xenforo to lead the forum world. :D
You are theorising that IB may have control of XF and, as such, are wanting clarification because you don't want any of your money going to IB. Am I right?

To be fair to Gabby, I thought the wording was a bit strange. It sounds like at some stage IB at least wanting control of XF (as opposed to wanting it shut down) was on the table.
has secured an important victory for its clients

If I was going to speculate, I'd say the only people who would be interested in the agreement being confidential would be those that didn't want to lose face, and that would be IB. And if you don't want to lose face it generally costs you. So while the announcement says both sides will pay their own fees, I'd hope that IB had to pay compensation to a level that would cover the XF fees to buy their face saving confidentiality clause. In an ideal world that is...
If you do send Southern comfort, it should go to the address at the bottom of the Contact us form, with FAO Kier on it.

24 Oak Tree Rd, Tilehurst, RG31 6JX.

I assume that's the correct address still, it's the one I sent a bottle to and Kier got it ok hehe
As it happens, I live about 10 miles from, if you want to send them to me first, for testing etc....feel free :D I'll then take the empties bottles 'round...
I'd certainly be willing to chip in the cost of a bottle if you'd be willing to deliver. Intact. ;)
As it happens, I live about 10 miles from, if you want to send them to me first, for testing etc....feel free :D I'll then take the empties bottles 'round...
Just checking for poison? Yeah, yeah... that's the ticket. LOL
Apparently you can buy it on Amazon. Might be worth buying a bottle and shipping it directly. That way no-one can "check the quality" first. :ROFLMAO:
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