
Calendar [Paid] 6.0

No permission to buy ($35.00)


Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Calendar - A fully integrated Calendar system based on thread information.

Premium upgrade:

For $25.00 USD this add-on along with the entire collection may be downloaded for up to one year. Please see the colletion in the Resources area at this URL:


A fully integrated Calendar system based on thread information.

This add-on will create a fully integrated Calendar system based on thread information. Each calendar entry links back to the thread it was created from.

(Example of Calendar tab - pic...

Read more about this resource...
AndyB updated Calendar with a new update entry:

See description

A security issue has been identified in earlier versions of this add-on. The issue allows a cross site scripting (XSS) attack to potentially be triggered via a specially crafted username. XSS issues may allow an attacker to steal data (including cookies) or force a user to take actions without their consent or knowledge (possibly including administrative actions).

I strongly recommend all users to upgrade to the latest version of Calendar v1.5 to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi Andy
if I update the forum to 2.0
do I have to uninstall the old calendar or can I update the calendar in 2.0?

Greeting Joachim
The dates in German
change the Holiday.php


// holiday functions
// 0 = sunday
// 1 = monday
// 2 = tuesday
// 3 = wednesday
// 4 = thursday
// 5 = friday
// 6 = saturday

function holiday_name($y, $m, $d)
    if ($m == 1 && $d == 1)    // jan 1
    return "1 Januar";
    if ($m == 1 && $d == 6) // jan 6
        return "Heilige 3 Koenige (BW, BY, ST)";

    if ($m == 2 && $d == 14) // feb 14
    return "Aschermittwoch, Valentinstag";
    if ($m == 2 && $d == 8) // feb 8
        return "Weiberfastnacht";
        if ($m == 2 && $d == 12) // feb 12
        return "Rosenmontag";
    if ($m == 3 && $d == 30) // mar 30
     return "Karfreitag";

    if ($m == 4 && $d == 1) // apr 1
        return "Ostersonntag";
        if ($m == 4 && $d == 2) // apr 2
        return "Ostermontag";

    if ($m == 5 && $d == 1) // mai 1
        return "1 Maifeiertag";
    if ($m == 5 && match_day($y, $m, $d, 0, 2)) // 2nd sun in may
    return "Muttertag";
     if ($m == 1 && $d == 10)    // mai 10
        return "Christi Himmelfahrt (BW, BY, ST)";

    if ($m == 5 && $d == 20) // may 20
        return "Pfingstsonntag";
        if ($m == 5 && $d == 21) // may 21
        return "Pfingstmontag";

    if ($m == 5 && $d == 31) // may 31
        return "Fronleichnam (BW,BY,HE,NW,RP,SL)";
    if ($m == 8 && $d == 15) // aug 15
        return "Maria Himmelfahrt (BY, SL)";           
        if ($m == 10 && $d == 3) // oct 3
        return "Tag der deutschen Einheit";
        if ($m == 10 && $d == 31) // oct 31
        return "Reformationstag (BB,MV,SN,ST,TH)";
        if ($m == 11 && $d == 1) // nov 1
        return "Allerheiligen (BW,BY,NW,RP,SL)";
        if ($m == 11 && $d == 21) // nov 21
        return "Buß und Bettag (SN)";
        if ($m == 12 && $d == 24) // dec 24
    return "Heiligabend";   

    if ($m == 12 && $d == 25) // dec 25
    return "1. Weihnachtstag";

    if ($m == 12 && $d == 26) // dec 26
    return "2. Weihnachtstag";

    if ($m == 12 && $d == 31) // dec 31
    return "Silvester";       

    // return empty if no match for holiday

function match_day($year, $month, $day, $day_of_week, $week='')
    if (!$week || ($week == ''))
        $lastday = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
        $temp = (date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $lastday, $year)) - $day_of_week) % 7;
        $temp = ($day_of_week - date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year))) % 7;

    if ($temp < 0)
        $temp += 7;

    if (!$week || ($week == ''))
        $target_day = $lastday - $temp;
        $target_day = (7 * $week) - 6 + $temp;

    return ($day == $target_day);
Will calendar events be retained if we're upgrading from XF1 and your old calendar add-on?
Hi Andy
if I update the forum to 2.0
do I have to uninstall the old calendar or can I update the calendar in 2.0?

Greeting Joachim
Andy - Hi. I noticed this was one of only two of your add-ons that wasn't upgradeable (did not get an Upgrade option when copying add-on to install folder). I also noticed that data from Calendar Plus XF 1.5 add-on was not carried over. Are these both expected behavior at this point? If so, is there any way to manually migrate the Calendar Plus data to the XF 2 Add-on? Thanks.
The dates in German
change the Holiday.php


// holiday functions
// 0 = sunday
// 1 = monday
// 2 = tuesday
// 3 = wednesday
// 4 = thursday
// 5 = friday
// 6 = saturday

function holiday_name($y, $m, $d)
    if ($m == 1 && $d == 1)    // jan 1
    return "1 Januar";
    if ($m == 1 && $d == 6) // jan 6
        return "Heilige 3 Koenige (BW, BY, ST)";

    if ($m == 2 && $d == 14) // feb 14
    return "Aschermittwoch, Valentinstag";
    if ($m == 2 && $d == 8) // feb 8
        return "Weiberfastnacht";
        if ($m == 2 && $d == 12) // feb 12
        return "Rosenmontag";
    if ($m == 3 && $d == 30) // mar 30
     return "Karfreitag";

    if ($m == 4 && $d == 1) // apr 1
        return "Ostersonntag";
        if ($m == 4 && $d == 2) // apr 2
        return "Ostermontag";

    if ($m == 5 && $d == 1) // mai 1
        return "1 Maifeiertag";
    if ($m == 5 && match_day($y, $m, $d, 0, 2)) // 2nd sun in may
    return "Muttertag";
     if ($m == 1 && $d == 10)    // mai 10
        return "Christi Himmelfahrt (BW, BY, ST)";

    if ($m == 5 && $d == 20) // may 20
        return "Pfingstsonntag";
        if ($m == 5 && $d == 21) // may 21
        return "Pfingstmontag";

    if ($m == 5 && $d == 31) // may 31
        return "Fronleichnam (BW,BY,HE,NW,RP,SL)";
    if ($m == 8 && $d == 15) // aug 15
        return "Maria Himmelfahrt (BY, SL)";          
        if ($m == 10 && $d == 3) // oct 3
        return "Tag der deutschen Einheit";
        if ($m == 10 && $d == 31) // oct 31
        return "Reformationstag (BB,MV,SN,ST,TH)";
        if ($m == 11 && $d == 1) // nov 1
        return "Allerheiligen (BW,BY,NW,RP,SL)";
        if ($m == 11 && $d == 21) // nov 21
        return "Buß und Bettag (SN)";
        if ($m == 12 && $d == 24) // dec 24
    return "Heiligabend";  

    if ($m == 12 && $d == 25) // dec 25
    return "1. Weihnachtstag";

    if ($m == 12 && $d == 26) // dec 26
    return "2. Weihnachtstag";

    if ($m == 12 && $d == 31) // dec 31
    return "Silvester";      

    // return empty if no match for holiday

function match_day($year, $month, $day, $day_of_week, $week='')
    if (!$week || ($week == ''))
        $lastday = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
        $temp = (date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $lastday, $year)) - $day_of_week) % 7;
        $temp = ($day_of_week - date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year))) % 7;

    if ($temp < 0)
        $temp += 7;

    if (!$week || ($week == ''))
        $target_day = $lastday - $temp;
        $target_day = (7 * $week) - 6 + $temp;

    return ($day == $target_day);

i have use this code but i but I have no entries. I have create a HolidayGER.php and set the path in acp.
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