Better Blogs [Deleted]

Your latest blogging software.

1) Attach an image to the blog and put into inline text.

2) The image does not show on main blog list. It shows
That's actually how it works

1) Create an entry
2) Attach an image
3) Insert that inline in the post
4) The image will show inline, but will not show on the attachments section

It works like that for posts, too
Hi! I have a few questions! I am going to be importing from vb 4.2 at the end of the month.

My first question: Has anyone successfully imported with the vb 3.8 blog importer? What do you recommend as the "order of operations" when doing the imports? Install fresh forum, install blog system. Run forum import and then run blog import with the 3.8 script?

Now that xenforo (and you!) have resumed production, will you be considering making a 4.2 importer?

And finally, I already have a test import of my forums done where the blog entries were converted to threads. (This was done before I decided this was the blogs system for me!) Is there a way to import threads from a node in to the blogs? This I would like to know just in case I can't work out the 3.8 script. (And because I'd like to see the blogs in action before I do my official importing)
Hi! I have a few questions! I am going to be importing from vb 4.2 at the end of the month.

My first question: Has anyone successfully imported with the vb 3.8 blog importer? What do you recommend as the "order of operations" when doing the imports? Install fresh forum, install blog system. Run forum import and then run blog import with the 3.8 script?

Now that xenforo (and you!) have resumed production, will you be considering making a 4.2 importer?

And finally, I already have a test import of my forums done where the blog entries were converted to threads. (This was done before I decided this was the blogs system for me!) Is there a way to import threads from a node in to the blogs? This I would like to know just in case I can't work out the 3.8 script. (And because I'd like to see the blogs in action before I do my official importing)

Several people (myself included) imported from 3.8. There are no drastic changes that I know of from vb 4.2, so importing blogs should definitely work. I would try.

The order should be
1) Import forums
2) Import blogs

You need to import forums first because otherwise there is no user_id information available, and the import of blogs will fail (it will not find the related users).
There is no way to convert threads to blog entries.

I think the existing importer should work for 4.2, I would recommend trying it, and of course, please do that on a test instance.
Several people (myself included) imported from 3.8. There are no drastic changes that I know of from vb 4.2, so importing blogs should definitely work. I would try.

The order should be
1) Import forums
2) Import blogs

You need to import forums first because otherwise there is no user_id information available, and the import of blogs will fail (it will not find the related users).
There is no way to convert threads to blog entries.

I think the existing importer should work for 4.2, I would recommend trying it, and of course, please do that on a test instance.

Thank you! :D All the important bits seem to have imported just fine in my test forum.
Steps to replicate:
1. Attach an image.
2. Go to the main blog index. What do you see?

(Your blog)
[ ATTACH ] <-- !! not translated to image
That is actually working as intended, as it does not display the complete entry. It is like it would display in, say, the search results.
That is actually working as intended, as it does not display the complete entry. It is like it would display in, say, the search results.

Take a look XenPorta. Here's what I'm trying to do:

I want to put an image on the main blog page (** as an example, I take site):


But instead of getting an image on the main blogs list,I get an [ attach ] instead.

So how am I going to insert images that users can see on the main blog index?
Take a look XenPorta. Here's what I'm trying to do:

I want to put an image on the main blog page (** as an example, I take site):

View attachment 44622

But instead of getting an image on the main blogs list,I get an [ attach ] instead.

So how am I going to insert images that users can see on the main blog index?

I did a smallish patch to blogs, and I changed the rendering on the home page to render everything instead of a snippet. Previously it was limiting the output to 150 characters and parsing no attachments. It will now render the complete entry.

You can find the update on the private downloads section

It will be a little simple, though, that XenPorta layout looks a lot nicer. I'd like to improve the home page, so I'll try to get to it. I can't promise a date, though :)

I think this would be the first time for you to download an update, PM me your username at the website with your paypal transaction number so I can give you access.

Is there any way to delete a whole blog without deleting the user or anything else? I have a member who just wants a whole blog and all its entries summarily deleted but I can't seem to find anything that doesn't involve deleting every entry individually.

Is there any way to delete a whole blog without deleting the user or anything else? I have a member who just wants a whole blog and all its entries summarily deleted but I can't seem to find anything that doesn't involve deleting every entry individually.

That functionality does not exist, each entry would need to be deleted individually
If you want to do it from the database you could run

DELETE FROM xfa_blog_entry WHERE user_id=<THE_PERSON_USER_ID>
After upgrading to .12, usersare no longer able to add a new blog entry since there is no text entry box for content ...


Need a fix please.
Sorry, Somehow I never got the alert for this.
Someone has the same exact issue with my groups add-on, I wonder if this is colliding with some other add-on. Do you have anything that you think would modify the text area ?
The TinyMCE fix definitely wasn't it, I could not reproduce it on my local box
Could you grant my user in your site (Kentaurus) privileges to create a new entry? I would like to see the error myself and check if there are other associated errors
The TinyMCE fix definitely wasn't it, I could not reproduce it on my local box
Could you grant my user in your site (Kentaurus) privileges to create a new entry? I would like to see the error myself and check if there are other associated errors

I've also discovered that if my site is https (as it is now), then the url's generated for user's blog (multi site) with /admin.php?options/list/xfa_blogs_mult giving no option to define for https. Perhaps you are hardcoding the http prefix for all url's? Can you correct please.
You have a lot of JS errors on your page. And most of them are for an undefined "awesomeTitle", I traced it down to this plugin

I could reproduce it, if I install the plugin on my local box, it breaks blogs.

Oh! :( Wow, thanks very much for finding and identifying this.
And of course when I go to that add-on, I see this post already giving the issue. If only that info had been cross-posted into here too :cautious:

Any feedback on the https issue?
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