Better Blogs [Deleted]

Looks to me like you already have it installed (or used to and previously uninstalled which left the database tables and structure behind) and thus when trying to (re)install you are getting that the error that the table column already exists.
Looks to me like you already have it installed (or used to and previously uninstalled which left the database tables and structure behind) and thus when trying to (re)install you are getting that the error that the table column already exists.

yes.. it is not listed as existing addon in my ACP. I went into myPhpAdmin and deleted all of the associated tables. Tried to install and thus getting table column already exists. go figure??

is there a fix?
Search other tables (eg. users, permissions) for column allow_view_blog and remove the column. Be sure to backup your DB before making ANY changes!
is there a fix for this error????

View attachment 44190
Are you installing first time? or upgrading?
It seems that it is trying to add the column to xf_user_profile, but it was already there

If you are installing for the first time, you may try reinstalling, only do this if this is the first time, else you will loose all your blogs and entries.

Uninstallation instructions

Built-in installer

1) If the add-on is listed on add-ons column, you can try doing an "uninstall", make sure the php files are uploaded
2) Try installing again

Manual uninstall

If the add-on is not listed on the add-ons column, you can do a manual "uninstall" by running this queries in PhpMyAdmin or similar
DELETE FROM xf_content_type_field where content_type = 'xfa_blog_comment';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type_field where content_type = 'xfa_blog_entry';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type where content_type = 'xfa_blog_comment';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type where content_type = 'xfa_blog_entry';
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_deferred_view;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_view;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_entry_view;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_entry_category;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_category;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_entry_read;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_read;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_css;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_comment;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_entry_watch;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_entry;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_entry_scheduled;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_blog_watch;
ALTER TABLE xf_user_privacy DROP allow_view_blog;
ALTER TABLE xf_user_profile DROP entry_count;        // these most likely do not exist on this version of the installer, but try to drop them regardless
ALTER TABLE xf_user_profile DROP blog_key;
DELETE FROM xf_attachment where content_type = 'xfa_blog_entry';
DELETE FROM xf_news_feed where content_type = 'xfa_blog_entry';
DELETE FROM xf_user_alert where content_type = 'xfa_blog_entry';

.. and try installing again
Recent Blog Comments sidebar title is no longer cached.. it reverted my title changes. Now I gotta figure out how I fixed it again.
I have over 3k blog entries in lnblog, if I convert over is there anything that doesnt get converted over? comments, total count of blog entries per user etc?
I have over 3k blog entries in lnblog, if I convert over is there anything that doesnt get converted over? comments, total count of blog entries per user etc?
Entries, Comments, Attachments, counts get converted over.
And the other ones do not get deleted, of course, so you would be able to quickly verify that all your data is there.
What do you mean with no longer cached?
I just scanned this thread and I cannot see the posts where I complained about the widgets so I'll repeat, basically some of your phrases are not able to be selected as "cached". This happened with the latest update. Before it could, now it can't. Because it can't, your Xenporta Widgets sidebar titles no longer show up. They just say the phrase name. I removed the xenporta widget and replaced them with the bd widget.
I just scanned this thread and I cannot see the posts where I complained about the widgets so I'll repeat, basically some of your phrases are not able to be selected as "cached". This happened with the latest update. Before it could, now it can't. Because it can't, your Xenporta Widgets sidebar titles no longer show up. They just say the phrase name. I removed the xenporta widget and replaced them with the bd widget.
I did not touch anything with caching or the panels (I would not rule a side-effect) though.

The caching works as follows

All the panels when they fetch the information, they store it in the dataregistry, for as long as you specify in the options.
Next call to render the panel comes from the cache (template is still parsed). Even if you change the options you need to wait for the cache to expire.

There is a manual override, if you add to the end of the URL

That will make the cache be skipped and the information will be fetched again.
You might want to try that first

For extreme measures, there is a custom action, on
index.php?xfa-blog-home/reset-cache in your case, that will actually DELETE the cache entries in the data registry

If after expunging the cache you still see no data, there is another issue
Your latest blogging software.

1) Attach an image to the blog and put into inline text.

2) The image does not show on main blog list. It shows
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