Add-on Beta testers for CMF (News/Portal/Blogs/Wiki/Tags)

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Yes it's possible. There are postbit settings for root comments and child comments.
So you may use one of 4 postbit types for root comments and another for child comments.

Would it be possible to add one more so it looks kinda like the mock up I made? This would be much easier for users to read and keep track of. Money is ready, can't wait for this thing to be released. Thank you so much for making this addon.
I know you mentioned performance already but that'll be one of the most important factors for us so please do focus on it :-)
Screenshots of nested comments

1-st level - default postbit
nested levels - default postbit
maximum depth - 2

1-st level - default postbit
nested levels - profile postbit
maximum depth - unlimited

1-st level - profile postbit
nested levels - profile comment postbit
maximum depth - unlimited

1-st level - mini postbit
nested levels - mini postbit
maximum depth - unlimited
Would it be possible to add one more so it looks kinda like the mock up I made? This would be much easier for users to read and keep track of. Money is ready, can't wait for this thing to be released. Thank you so much for making this addon.
It is possible by styling corresponding templates.
Just curious.
How will this be different from XenPorta, structure and performance wise?
What you mean, news system? Our news system has sections corresponding to news forums, there are top and latest news. Top news are the threads from news sections which gained N likes in T hours + promoted by moderators. Switching between sections and pagination are completely ajax to avoid content duplicate (SEO-friendly).
What you mean, news system? Our news system has sections corresponding to news forums, there are top and latest news. Top news are the threads from news sections which gained N likes in T hours + promoted by moderators. Switching between sections and pagination are completely ajax to avoid content duplicate (SEO-friendly).
Sounds similar to Xenporta i.e all the articles are threads.
What if I want to have articles in the root structures like Wordpress (when I migrate from existing WP, for example).
Would your news url looks like
or it will look like
Sounds similar to Xenporta i.e all the articles are threads.
What if I want to have articles in the root structures like Wordpress (when I migrate from existing WP, for example).
Would your news url looks like
or it will look like
threads can be in some forums:
and in another forum

and forums can be:

With automatic thread url change and redirect after moving thread to another forum.
Sounds similar to Xenporta i.e all the articles are threads.
What if I want to have articles in the root structures like Wordpress (when I migrate from existing WP, for example).
Would your news url looks like
or it will look like
It is "similar" because there are only two options: extend threads and create own entities. If we create own entities it would be "similar" to LNBlog.
We don't have strict division article vs thread. We make threads configurable to turn them into article, blog entry, diary, wiki page or etc.
It will support root prefix. For example blogs node - Personal blogs node -
Screenshots of nested comments
Nested comments ... awesome !

How about this ?

I really like the user name at the beginning.
but don't see the need to break up the date, reporting etc ... so that there are two lines.

I think left justifying the name, and right justifying everything else would be the best.
Nested comments ... awesome !

How about this ?

View attachment 29561

I really like the user name at the beginning.
but don't see the need to break up the date, reporting etc ... so that there are two lines.

I think left justifying the name, and right justifying everything else would be the best.
It's standart simplified comments from the core. The same used in profile:
You can style them and profile comments same time.
Nested comments ... awesome !

How about this ?
I think left justifying the name, and right justifying everything else would be the best.
In different languages too little space for all admin/moderator controls on top of the post

Also guest view looks more clear (without controls):

P.S. Move controls to the top will be optional in near future
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