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[bd] Rotating Ads 2.0

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Is there a way to make the ads open in a new window when using Slider mode? That would be a big help. Love the resource!!
Which template(s)?
Template "rotating_ads_slider", edit this:

<a href="{$}"><img src="{$slide.image}" /></a>

Into something like this:

<a href="{$}" target="_blank"><img src="{$slide.image}" /></a>
Is it possible to display certain ads on certain forum pages only?
Use in combination with widget framework and put into expression box in_array($forum['node_id'], array(2,3)) if fx 2 and 3 are the node ids where you want the add to show.

If you only want certain threads you use $thread['thread_id']==31

If you want certain categories you use $forum['parent_node_id'] == $3
Many thanks Henrik, I am using mysimpleads at the moment but it causes a slight delay to the pages when loading, I am trying to see if I can move to something else that will not cause this delay which is annoying.
I love this resource, however I had to resort to regular links instead of the slider as it was making my site choppy, esp. when typing a message. :(
I love this resource, however I had to resort to regular links instead of the slider as it was making my site choppy, esp. when typing a message. :(
Yes, the slider uses JavaScript to provide animation and may slow down browsers.
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