[bd] Medal

[bd] Medal 1.5.5b

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I would like to add a reset all button to the front end of this addon. Can someone give some code examples for this? thanks .
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You can do something like this

$awardedMedals = XenForo_Application::getDb()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM xf_bdmedal_awarded');
foreach ($awardedMedals as $awardedMedal) {
    $dw = XenForo_DataWriter::create('bdMedal_DataWriter_Awarded');
    $dw->setExistingData($awardedMedal, true);
How do I upload SVG icons, I read its supported but I get an error while trying to upload an SVG icon.
Thanks so much for this add on, it works beautifully.

Any idea how to create more space between the medals and the "likes received" field

It looks a bit too close to each other for my liking.

Also, is there a way to remove the small space between each medals? And is there a way to center if there was only one medal on display?


on the user profile, the awards do not appear. It just says "loading" and does not list the awards. I've tried in on other devices the problem is the same.

I'm a total newb so I apologize if my questions sound silly.
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Any idea how to create more space between the medals and the "likes received" field
You can use EXTRA.css and target the class ".medals" to add some margin to your liking.

on the user profile, the awards do not appear. It just says "loading" and does not list the awards. I've tried in on other devices the problem is the same.
Sounds like a Javascript issue, can you open the browser console and check for error there?
You can use EXTRA.css and target the class ".medals" to add some margin to your liking.

Sounds like a Javascript issue, can you open the browser console and check for error there?

Thank you so much, I changed it in the extra.css and it worked perfectly.

I've tried on other browsers as well as other computers (other users) all had the same problem.
Thank you so much, I changed it in the extra.css and it worked perfectly.

I've tried on other browsers as well as other computers (other users) all had the same problem.
Can you give me a profile url on your site that is having this issue? I need to take a look.
Can you give me a profile url on your site that is having this issue? I need to take a look.


You can see that under the awarded medals tab, nothing loads. Even in the sidebar (It says I have two medal) but does not display them.

Also, is there a way to center awards when they are only one on display? Right now if there is only one award it is positioned on the left. Is there a way to make it positioned in the middle?
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