[bd] Attachment Store [Deleted]

Yes if you disable delayed processing which adds a good few seconds to image uploads.

I use it with XFMG, but I also have a local copy of the files on my server. It's not even noticeable on my forum. Probably because the local copy...
I use it with XFMG, but I also have a local copy of the files on my server. It's not even noticeable on my forum. Probably because the local copy...

Yes local copy is fine and works same as if you didn't have the plugin installed :) Without delayed processing server is ftping the attachment to your CDN target in real time which adds lots of time to the transaction and is error prone. I hope xfrocks hasn't abandoned it as it's a really good plugin otherwise.

You need to set the option:


Then run this tool:

Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 6.05.16 PM.webp
@xfrocks any plans to make this great plugin work with xfmg?
I think it already works with XFMG...
Yeah, the delayed processing unfortunately is not working with the way XFMG rebuild its thumbnail (the add-on has its own thumbnail, different from the attachment system thumbnail). So you need to disable the delayed processing. A workaround is to keep local copy if your goal is to run more than one web servers for your XenForo installation (so you can safely ignore the data when a new node is required).
hi @xfrocks,
@MattW moved my DigitalOcean VPS to his shared hosting service. It seems that the [bd] Attachment Store retains a hard path somewhere and I'm not quite sure how to solve this.

Below the two error messages I got in ACP so far. The path /home/nginx/domains/..... is from my old VPS.

Your help would be highly appreciated!

Server Error Log
Error Info
ErrorException: is_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/nginx/domains/mainecoon.nl/public/forum/internal_data/attachments/78/78658-1db90f13a5347f2d555dcf9984c7d56b.data) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/axel:/usr/lib/php:/usr/php4/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php4/lib/php:/tmp) -library/bdImage/Helper/File.php:7
Generated By: Unknown Account, Yesterday at 10:11 PM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'is_file(): open...', '/home/axel/publ...', 7, Array)
#1 /home/axel/public_html/forum/library/bdImage/Helper/File.php(7): is_file('/home/nginx/dom...')
#2 /home/axel/public_html/forum/library/bdImage/Integration.php(101): bdImage_Helper_File::existsAndNotEmpty('/home/nginx/dom...')
#3 /home/axel/public_html/forum/bdImage/thumbnail.php(54): bdImage_Integration::getAccessibleUri('/home/nginx/dom...')
#4 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(245) "http://mainecoon.nl/forum/bdImage/t...mode=76&hash=1b26767f943447b3783a8dc845818a48"
["_GET"] => array(4) {
["url"] => string(118) "/home/nginx/domains/mainecoon.nl/public/forum/internal_data/attachments/78/78658-1db90f13a5347f2d555dcf9984c7d56b.data"
["size"] => string(3) "114"
["mode"] => string(2) "76"
["hash"] => string(32) "1b26767f943447b3783a8dc845818a48"
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Server Error Log
Error Info
ErrorException: is_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/nginx/domains/mainecoon.nl/public/forum/internal_data/attachments/78/78658-1db90f13a5347f2d555dcf9984c7d56b.data) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/axel:/usr/lib/php:/usr/php4/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php4/lib/php:/tmp) -library/bdImage/Helper/File.php:7
Generated By: Unknown Account, Yesterday at 3:33 PM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'is_file(): open...', '/home/axel/publ...', 7, Array)
#1 /home/axel/public_html/forum/library/bdImage/Helper/File.php(7): is_file('/home/nginx/dom...')
#2 /home/axel/public_html/forum/library/bdImage/Integration.php(101): bdImage_Helper_File::existsAndNotEmpty('/home/nginx/dom...')
#3 /home/axel/public_html/forum/bdImage/thumbnail.php(54): bdImage_Integration::getAccessibleUri('/home/nginx/dom...')
#4 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(245) "http://mainecoon.nl/forum/bdImage/t...mode=76&hash=1b26767f943447b3783a8dc845818a48"
["_GET"] => array(4) {
["url"] => string(118) "/home/nginx/domains/mainecoon.nl/public/forum/internal_data/attachments/78/78658-1db90f13a5347f2d555dcf9984c7d56b.data"
["size"] => string(3) "114"
["mode"] => string(2) "76"
["hash"] => string(32) "1b26767f943447b3783a8dc845818a48"
["_POST"] => array(0) {
hi @xfrocks,
@MattW moved my DigitalOcean VPS to his shared hosting service. It seems that the [bd] Attachment Store retains a hard path somewhere and I'm not quite sure how to solve this.

Below the two error messages I got in ACP so far. The path /home/nginx/domains/..... is from my old VPS.

Your help would be highly appreciated!
What is your attachment configuration?
I've uninstalled [bd] Image and reinstalled it in the meanwhile. In the Server Error Logs it seems to be referring to bdImage and not [bd] Attachments Store. Sorry for that.

This is the attachment configuration:
View attachment 111463
Well, you basically disabled the attachment store and the server error is related to another add-on actually. It's [bd] Image. Normally it does not store the full path but for some reason it does in your case (probably a very old version). An easy fix is to run this query

UPDATE `xf_thread` SET bdimage_image = ''

Then you can run the rebuild thread counter in AdminCP > Tools > Rebuild Caches to regenerate the thread images.
Any chance i'd comment the line where the xF version is checked? I'm on xF 1.1 and the add-on requires 1.2+, I can't upgrade my forums without having to redo the style (many CSS incompatibilities).
I'm considering doing away with VPS and moving to shared host that has fairly small HD quotas. I already use S3 to store server backups. I'd just create a new bucket for forum attachments.

Here's my main question: If I move the attachments to S3 before moving to the new host will moving to a new host effect anything as far as retrieving attachments from S3 when I move?

I have a couple other questions too:
  • My site is SSL'ed. Will S3 storage create a warning that there is insecure content on the page?
  • Generally how fast is attachment retrieval from S3 for display? I don't want my site to be slow on pages with attachments.

Thanks for your time,
I'm considering doing away with VPS and moving to shared host that has fairly small HD quotas. I already use S3 to store server backups. I'd just create a new bucket for forum attachments.

Here's my main question: If I move the attachments to S3 before moving to the new host will moving to a new host effect anything as far as retrieving attachments from S3 when I move?

I have a couple other questions too:
  • My site is SSL'ed. Will S3 storage create a warning that there is insecure content on the page?
  • Generally how fast is attachment retrieval from S3 for display? I don't want my site to be slow on pages with attachments.

Thanks for your time,

Normally there wouldn't be any problem when switching hosts.

If you want SSL/TLS to work correctly, make sure you use the https://s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKET/ URL form, rather than a subdomain.

The speed of S3 varies from ISP to ISP. Typically, AWS does not recommend using S3 to serve content directly to end users; they recommend using CloudFront for that part. If I recall correctly, this add-on supports CloudFront. (Note that CloudFront does cost extra.) Alternatively, you can put your entire site behind a CDN such a CloudFlare. If you do this, name your bucket based on one of your subdomains (such as attachments.example.com). You can then instruct CloudFlare to proxy connections from attachments.example.com to s3.amazonaws.com using a CNAME record with CDN enabled. You'll need to enable Flexible SSL in CloudFlare for this to work properly.
Did you rebuild both?

Media Gallery Thumbnails and Media Gallery Album Thumbnails?

Do you have any caching enabled? Please clear your cache.
It might also be useful to clear your browser cache just to be sure.

Rebuild it again and lower Items to process.
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