[bd] API

[bd] API 1.6.3

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I tried to get get access_token from refresh_token but the server threw a 500 internal error. Can anyone provide some help? Thanks

curl -XPOST http://www.mydomain.com/forum/api/index.php?oauth/token -d 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=xxx123&client_id=my_client_id'
500 error looks like an issue with your server. Assuming you are a coder, you will need to put echo statements to find out the line of code that causes trouble.
500 error looks like an issue with your server. Assuming you are a coder, you will need to put echo statements to find out the line of code that causes trouble.

already tried to echo but still nothing return. I also temporily disabled some addons that may cause conflicts, no luck too.
Do you have an idea?
Then put echo earlier in the flow. It must die somewhere.

i caught that in server error log.

I have a chatroom conference room that has a API (i dont know anything about api stuff) so their saying this:

The automatic login sub-system allows you to create a own PHP/HTML page on your website, where your room guests will be able to sign in to the room.

Would this addon help me tie xenforo and this chat room together?
For example thread title, sticky, discussion_open and prefix_id.
Not possible for now. Probably won't in the near future.

I have a chatroom conference room that has a API (i dont know anything about api stuff) so their saying this:

The automatic login sub-system allows you to create a own PHP/HTML page on your website, where your room guests will be able to sign in to the room.

Would this addon help me tie xenforo and this chat room together?
Information is not clear but my guess is no.
I've just installed the API at our testforum. The purpose of the API will be to show the lastes threads, etc on the (separate) frontpage and integrate user auth. Installing was without hassle (setting permissions, creating client) When I call the api root I'm getting an error: [www.example.com/api/] results in

{"error": "invalid_request"}

I'm expecting a result, like what I'm getting when calling: https://xfrocks.com/api/
What am I doing wrong?
I've just installed the API at our testforum. The purpose of the API will be to show the lastes threads, etc on the (separate) frontpage and integrate user auth. Installing was without hassle (setting permissions, creating client) When I call the api root I'm getting an error: [www.example.com/api/] results in

{"error": "invalid_request"}

I'm expecting a result, like what I'm getting when calling: https://xfrocks.com/api/
What am I doing wrong?
Do you put it behind password protected directory?
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