BbCodes & Buttons Manager - Advanced Bb Codes Pack

BbCodes & Buttons Manager - Advanced Bb Codes Pack 3.7.2

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I can only assume I'm doing something wrong.

I've downloaded and installed the plugin but i do not get the set up box, or the icon in my admin CP. I DO see it listed in my addons, and i see on the right it's showing up as enabled, but i cannot figure out how to make this appear on my forms. Am i missing something?


I re-read the first post, and the last couple pages of the thread, I also checked all the files included in the download (BBM - Advanced Bb Codes 3.7.1). I'm not seeing any other information.

FYI the zip download link says 3.7.1, the resulting zip says 3.7.1, this thread says 3.7.1 is the latest. The forum lists it as 3.7.2

Xon gave you the solution (admin perms) in the BBM thread.
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Is there a chance that this AddOn will be ported to XF2?
we are using especially the [article] BB Code quite a lot... would be awesome, if we could use it in XF2 to.

I have a paid add-on which ports all of the bbcode from this add-on (including table/hr/h1/h2/h3/h4 support from TinyQuattro).

  • It uses a javascript latex to avoid depending on a server side version
  • spoilerbb gets aliased to XF"s built in spoiler tag
  • Google killed off picasa, so that hasn't been ported
There may be some bits & pieces missed, but it should be a good start at replacing this add-on and TinyQuattro to avoid bbcode being lost.
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