
Do they do hairpulling, because my cousins and brother enjoyed that just as much as trying to shorten my spinal cord.
My 8-month old is well into hair grabbing (and just about everything else-grabbing for that matter) but the 3 year old has never been much of a hair-puller.
My 8-month old is well into hair grabbing (and just about everything else-grabbing for that matter) but the 3 year old has never been much of a hair-puller.
My brother was ;(. I blame myself for telling him to make my dad bald quicker.
Sudden cold snap this afternoon - I took Elliot out to the park wearing... Shoes!!

No great shock really, I've no interest in being barefoot and uncomfortable. Warm again this evening, so hopefully a few more barefoot outside days before feet go away for the winter.
88f here yesterday and 66f here today. Barefoot yesterday, but not today. But when I get to work, those shoesies come offfffffffff...
Ah, well I can one-up you there, as I don't even wear shoes to get downstairs to work ;)

If you consider that to be cheating a bit, the same was true when we were working at the erstwhile vBulletin office.
Ah, well I can one-up you there, as I don't even wear shoes to get downstairs to work ;)

If you consider that to be cheating a bit, the same was true when we were working at the erstwhile vBulletin office.
I had assumed you were shoeless there as well.
Kier, I was going to buy an XenForo license but since reading your replies in this thread, I've changed my mind! your barefoot shenanigans when out and about has got me thinking, what if our XenGod trods on a dirty needle (it's possible these days) when doing a naked walk, this could be devastating!. Thus, XenForo will cease to exist and we will all barrage Mike with complaints and threats of mass XenFans suicide.

Walking into the doctors surgery barefoot? I would be flabbergasted, verrucas much? I demand you wear shoes from this day forth. Then and only then will I reconsider my license purchase.

You do realise that several thousand fans of yours will now be taking to walking the streets bare foot? I can see this turning into the new plague of toe nail clippings on street corners, and illegal dealing of soothing bath rock salt.
Veruccas are thought to be an infection caught in wet places like swimming pools - where very few people wear shoes. So Kier is at no greater risk there than anyone else.
As for dirty needles, sharps etc as my fairly thorough guide earlier in this thread carefully explored there is virtualy no risk to a barefooter. The shod (shoe wearers) get far more foot injuries than barefooters do - the shod become very careless as they rely on shoes to protect them.

This post was brought to you as a community service in the event that you did not realise JV Code was funning.

Shout it from the rooftops
Kier, I was going to buy an XenForo license but since reading your replies in this thread, I've changed my mind! your barefoot shenanigans when out and about has got me thinking, what if our XenGod trods on a dirty needle (it's possible these days) when doing a naked walk, this could be devastating!. Thus, XenForo will cease to exist and we will all barrage Mike with complaints and threats of mass XenFans suicide.

Walking into the doctors surgery barefoot? I would be flabbergasted, verrucas much? I demand you wear shoes from this day forth. Then and only then will I reconsider my license purchase.

You do realise that several thousand fans of yours will now be taking to walking the streets bare foot? I can see this turning into the new plague of toe nail clippings on street corners, and illegal dealing of soothing bath rock salt.

Make the nasty man go away .............. :p
Kier, I was going to buy an XenForo license but since reading your replies in this thread, I've changed my mind! your barefoot shenanigans when out and about has got me thinking, what if our XenGod trods on a dirty needle (it's possible these days) when doing a naked walk, this could be devastating!. Thus, XenForo will cease to exist and we will all barrage Mike with complaints and threats of mass XenFans suicide.

Walking into the doctors surgery barefoot? I would be flabbergasted, verrucas much? I demand you wear shoes from this day forth. Then and only then will I reconsider my license purchase.

You do realise that several thousand fans of yours will now be taking to walking the streets bare foot? I can see this turning into the new plague of toe nail clippings on street corners, and illegal dealing of soothing bath rock salt.
I should probably point out that when buying a XenForo license, you don't get my feet thrown in for free I'm afraid.

I'll also mention that the worst barefoot injury I've had was stepping on a piece of coral in the Maldives - and that although that was very painful, it was very small, didn't stop me working, and I've had nothing even close to that bad since.


(sorry about that, those who are a bit squeamish)

Next, regarding the doctors' surgery - I've yet to hear of anyone who managed to contract a verruca from a carpeted floor. I'm sure the verruca virus would love to hear how it could manage that.

And if I have 'thousands of fans' and they take to the streets barefoot, so much the better as far as I'm concerned :)
In other news, it was flippin' freezing here today, so no outdoor bare feet apart from when I washed the car. Bah. Is it nearly Spring yet?
I'll also mention that the worst barefoot injury I've had was stepping on a piece of coral in the Maldives - and that although that was very painful, it was very small, didn't stop me working, and I've had nothing even close to that bad since.

Kier euwch yuck! the larger closeup is way over the top. View for family and doctor only. Just the further zoom please.

Makes me not want to return to this thread in case I see that again.
I'm not that squeamish I've nursed far worse in real life but close up photo YUCK!
Next, regarding the doctors' surgery - I've yet to hear of anyone who managed to contract a verruca from a carpeted floor. I'm sure the verruca virus would love to hear how it could manage that.

You must feel privileged! It's all laminate here.
In other news, it was flippin' freezing here today, so no outdoor bare feet apart from when I washed the car. Bah. Is it nearly Spring yet?
Feel free to take the 100+ temp heat that CA has started getting.

Its suppose to get to ~108 tomorrow, when we were hitting the mid 60's only a few days ago. 
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