
I really would like to give this a go, but in the UK, especially my town, I'd either step in dog dirt, needles, glass, cans, condoms, job seekers paperwork or just slip in the damn rain. Plus people would just think I'm crazy.

I don't wear anything on my feet in the house.
I really would like to give this a go, but in the UK, especially my town, I'd either step in dog dirt, needles, glass, cans, condoms, job seekers paperwork or just slip in the damn rain. Plus people would just think I'm crazy.

I don't wear anything on my feet in the house.

ewww, yeah I think shoes might be a good idea there!
I really would like to give this a go, but in the UK, especially my town, I'd either step in dog dirt, needles, glass, cans, condoms, job seekers paperwork or just slip in the damn rain. Plus people would just think I'm crazy.
Complain to the local council if your town is really like that. I've yet to see anywhere in the UK that actually fits that description.
I really would like to give this a go, but in the UK, especially my town, I'd either step in dog dirt, needles, glass, cans, condoms, job seekers paperwork or just slip in the damn rain. Plus people would just think I'm crazy.

Dog dirt - how often does someone step in it wearing shoes? Once every 5 - 10 years? As I said in my notes shod people rely on shoes a lot so they lose the natural awareness of the ground they walk. Barefooters instinctively become more alert - my son has only once stepped in dog dirt in 20 years. I've never done it. It's a kind of unconsciuous scanning you do without being aware of it.

Needles - yes in a few locations in town or city this is a hazard. Such places are easily identifiable. Not on main streets, shadowy, a lot of other litter. I wouldn't walk in those places anyway - barefoot or shod.

Glass - I already covered this. If it's big enough to notice the same scanning instinct that prevents stepping in dog dirt protects you from this. Smaller splinters don't matter unless you're in your first month or so. Either it can't penetrate the toughened skin or you can just pluck it out without feeling any hurt.
In 20 years my son has had one cut on his feet worth mentioning - when he had to actually use a plaster. I've never had any.

Cans - Not a hazard. Either they roll away if your scanning failed you or they are so large you'd notice.
As Kier has described the bare foot is tentative - it tests the ground it steps on before allowing the weight to fall. If anything is sensed as being in the way the foot shifts to find better grounding. This all happens in a microsecond, almost always without conscious noticing.

Condoms - yes in a few locations but easily noticeable and avoided - again without noticing you're doing it.

Job seekers paperwork? - I don't understand this one! I guess you mean general paper rubbish. WEll paper won't hurt you and either it's large enough to scan and avoid, or you wouldn't know it was there.

Slip in the damn rain? - No that doesn't happen. The rain is a pleasure. It feels cool and refreshing like a natural shower. Splashing in puddles is lovely. You see barefooting is about being sensual, in touch with textures, TOUCHING things, being aware more. Which trains the senses - and enriches sex.
Wet ground is not a slipping hazard. The skin on the sole of the foot is not smooth. It has ridges and inevennness of shape, and TOES, all of which create grip. A foot that is always shod is stunted, the toes are weak and cannot grip. But the ability soon develops within weeks.
The only slipping I've observed is my son who is more hardy than me, laughed as \he slipped on the path from our house on a winter day when it was icy. That's a downhill slope. Now notice he laughed - did not fall, just slipped a bit. I was wearing soft fluffy boots and had no problem. After that he borrowed a pair from me when it was icy and I now include it in my barefooting advice.

People would just think I'm crazy - Well I hope they do anyway at least sometimes.
If you live in a permanent state of approval from the human herd then what are you DOING with your life? Or rather what are all the millions of things you're NOT doing? :)
Seriously the behaviour that gets automatic approval from the universal mass of humanity is an incredibly small amount of behaviour. You'd be cutting out almost everything that makes life worth living!
Yes barefooting does get curious looks. Sometimes people make rude remarks which are irritating because they are so pathetically stupid. The commonest is an assumption you can't afford shoes. That betrays the old historical idea of barefoot = poor. My son got it worse as a child because people bully children far more but he kept stoutly deciding not to give in to it bless him.
As I noted in my little guide earlier the sheeple mentality does sometimes raise problems in restaurants, and we've encountered hostility in Tesco's - though it depends on the local manager whether there are enough brain cells operating to be courteous.
I remember well being a young woman on London streets as it started to rain. Everyone rushed into doorways and huddled anxiously. The whole street lay open and empty for me, glistening in silver greys. I laughed and pounced in the puddles the world was mine. I suppose yes they thought I was crazy but by the strained looks on their faces I was the one enjoying life.
A nice all natural place to give this a go. :D
Not really in keeping with the rest of this thread apart from the subject matter... but Mrs. Kier just took advantage of my relaxed, post-dinner state in order to stuff my toes with giant chocolate buttons, and then proceeded to take a photo and post it to Facebook with my own account! That'll be my first experience of being 'fraped'.

Might as well re-post it here, as it's all over Facebook HAHAHA

Not really in keeping with the rest of this thread apart from the subject matter... but Mrs. Kier just took advantage of my relaxed, post-dinner state in order to stuff my toes with giant chocolate buttons, and then proceeded to take a photo and post it to Facebook with my own account! That'll be my first experience of being 'fraped

Aw what darling ickle toesies.
Where's the vomit smilie?

I absolutely detest feet, no matter how clean they are :D

Poor poor Brogan.
But .... I wouldn't go on a thread about snakes or underground caves because I don't like THEM. So why do you come here to upset yourself? Seriously sweetie go find something that makes you feel good.
Floren just told me over Google Talk that I badly need a pedicure... well DUH!!! Working for a year without pay does tend to have a somewhat detrimental effect in the getting-a-pedicure stakes ;)
Floren just told me over Google Talk that I badly need a pedicure... well DUH!!! Working for a year without pay does tend to have a somewhat detrimental effect in the getting-a-pedicure stakes ;)
Haha! I will buy 2 licenses with no copyright, so you better get one! :D
Floren just told me over Google Talk that I badly need a pedicure... well DUH!!! Working for a year without pay does tend to have a somewhat detrimental effect in the getting-a-pedicure stakes ;)
You've got a wife haven't you? ;)

And before anyone cries sexist, I actually did this for my wife when she was pregnant and unable to do it for herself.
One of the things children are for Kier. Nail clippers ahoy.
Hmm... my kids tend to want to hack their own limbs off when they are given anything with a sharp edge. It might be a few years before I let them loose on my toes.
Hmm... my kids tend to want to hack their own limbs off when they are given anything with a sharp edge. It might be a few years before I let them loose on my toes.

I should post the video of my brother chasing me around with a sword my dad made for a movie... He prefers to try to chop off my limbs and not his own ;(.
You've got a wife haven't you? ;)
And before anyone cries sexist, I actually did this for my wife when she was pregnant and unable to do it for herself.

Quite so Brogan and so you should have. But to balance it out you and Kier would have to be pregnant to have Wifelady do it for you? No I thought not.
However if on the other hand you frequently do it for your lady as an act of devotion then she would no doubt reciprocate.

Kids are also good for walking your back Kier at the age yours are now (you have to get off the chair and lie on your no doubt elegant tummy). They do it BAREFOOT of course so this is NOT an offtopic comment.
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