Auto Link Titles

Auto Link Titles 1.0.10

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Another quirk, whatever you're using for the keyword link generation seems to be appending "https://" in front of URLs by default instead of "http://". See this post for an example:

2014 MLB thread

my text reference to "" is automatically hyperlinked to, which is not a valid URL.
I don't believe that's anything to do with my add-on.

I don't modify the URLs. I simply modify something like this:



The URL part is not modified by me.
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding() - library/AVForums/AutoLinkTitles/BbCode/Formatter/BbCode/AutoLink.php:85
There is a couple of outstanding bugs with the add-on.

For now, you may wish to try this one:

Oh well that did not work out either as it also ran errors because I have two sites running on the same server and it users the server tmp folder to store the log file. So now only then one forum can use that file and the other just runs errors

Auto Link titles with Snapshot Preview, free
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