ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

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Quick question - does this allow multiple chat rooms to be open at the same time on the bar without having to use the popup system to achieve this, the same as user chat works.

I love this add-on and so do my users.

The only downside is I have found that it breaks xenporta's infinite scrolling option. This has started to become and issue and now I'm not sure what to do.

I realize I'm looking for help with interference with another mod, but thought I would ask anyways: any ideas on why this happens? A fix?
I realize I'm looking for help with interference with another mod, but thought I would ask anyways: any ideas on why this happens? A fix?
Maybe you should be asking for the fix from Jaxel. After all Arrowchat works with a standard XenForo install and also with many other add-ons...

how much the branding removal?
All pricing is here

Only the Kick Starter edition has branding, the rest don't.
Just gets better. I bought this on the 8th March my account is deleted on his site and I have just read this

No wonder he isn't active on here any more.
That's not Arrowchat's fault,

Facebook is discontinuing the API that allows developers to use their chat outside Facebook. They have chosen to only allow users to send/receive messages from their products.

As for your account supposedly being deleted, I suggest you contact them directly to resolve the issue.
A big thanks @Martok for answering all these questions. You've been spot on too. I once again stopped receiving replies to this thread, but I have fixed that issue.

@Proutie87 Your account wasn't deleted and I have replied to your ticket.
Is this still an issue out of the box?

its the only thing that puts me off using arrow chat as its really difficult for me to give 3rd partys access to our server as its locked down tight.
Is this still an issue out of the box?

its the only thing that puts me off using arrow chat as its really difficult for me to give 3rd partys access to our server as its locked down tight.
Yes, the way we fix this is by using a cookie.

This would go in your header template above the ArrowChat code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var userid = {$visitor.user_id};
document.cookie = "ac_xf_user="+userid;

In our includes/integration.php file:
    function get_user_id()
        $userid = NULL;

        if (!empty($_COOKIE['ac_xf_user']))
            $a = explode(',', $_COOKIE['ac_xf_user']);
            $userid = $a[0];  
        return $userid;

You can also hash the cookie to prevent users from changing their user ID in the cookie.
Is there anyway to stop the xenforo refresh bar appearing in the top right every three seconds
It shouldn't appear, it doesn't on my site. Check that you have added the code correctly as per the Arrowchat install instructions and ensure that this isn't being caused by another add-on.
Yea I've installed it as per their instructions but it's still doing it and it was the last time I used it. I'm sure I've seen other people comment about it as well
What is the difference between the premium and business edition and the starter edition for that fact.
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