ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

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do you not have test environments? how can you develop at all?
im choosing redis over arrowchat for now.....but it shouldnt have to be that choice...or i have to personally fix it like cmon....i mentioned this nearly a year ago by now on your site...

do you not have test environments? how can you develop at all?
im choosing redis over arrowchat for now.....but it shouldnt have to be that choice...or i have to personally fix it like cmon....i mentioned this nearly a year ago by now on your site...

XenForo stopped providing us with a copy a long time ago, sadly.

I would suggest you try this: That will most likely work with Redis.
oh i see its an xf lic issue...well if nobody figures it out ill try to circle back but there are a few things im busy with this month..

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