ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

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Awesome! And regarding chat history in rooms? Anyway to make it persietsnt or show the last X amount of messages?
The chat room history length can be changed in the admin panel > Manage > Chat Rooms > Chat Room History Length. You can input something like 9999999999. It is hard set to last 20 messages unless you change the code.
I don't really understand why for video chat for mobile I need to use and pay per minute.
if works for desktop using internet datas, should do the same for mobile
I don't really understand why for video chat for mobile I need to use and pay per minute.
if works for desktop using internet datas, should do the same for mobile
The only free service we use (Jitsi) does not support mobile the way we are using it. has something like 10,000 free minutes per month.
It does not. If there is interest in this, I’m sure I could do it really quick.
It would be excellent, there is not much point in having a separate chat and conversations.

Or you can offer the option that the user chooses whether to integrate or not.
After researching, I found that your add-on is really great.

There is only one thing, which is "real time". We need to be able to install Websocket on our server instead of purchasing your "push service" add-on.

If you can solve this issue, I believe your program will have even more customers.
After researching, I found that your add-on is really great.

There is only one thing, which is "real time". We need to be able to install Websocket on our server instead of purchasing your "push service" add-on.

If you can solve this issue, I believe your program will have even more customers.
Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to add a custom push server at this time.
Hello @ArrowSuites,

I apologize for asking too many questions.

However, I would like to clarify some more information:

As I understand it, I only need to purchase one license of the "BUSINESS Everything $395 includes installation" package.

Then, I can install it as

Afterwards, I can integrate the chat on all the forums and websites that you have listed here:

Currently I have 1 XF forum and 5 wordpress websites.

And when integrated with the wordpress website users can chat with visitors?

And there won't be any additional costs, right?


  • Requirements-Integrations-ArrowChat.webp
    29 KB · Views: 8
Hello @ArrowSuites,

I apologize for asking too many questions.

However, I would like to clarify some more information:

As I understand it, I only need to purchase one license of the "BUSINESS Everything $395 includes installation" package.

Then, I can install it as

Afterwards, I can integrate the chat on all the forums and websites that you have listed here:

Currently I have 1 XF forum and 5 wordpress websites.

And when integrated with the wordpress website users can chat with visitors?

And there won't be any additional costs, right?
Each license is valid for one site. You must purchase a license for each website you operate (we offer discounts on 5+ licenses). You can pick whatever integration you want and switch it at any time.

Yes, the WordPress integration allows visitors to chat with each other.

The only additional costs are optional. We have a push service that offloads message delivery to a cloud server; more info: We also charge for software updates (1 year included). They are $70 per year. You can always use the last version you had and only update when a version is released with features you want.
Was going to install it until I got to the installation step where it wants my login and password for my database....
You don't want to give the info, or you don't know where it is?

If the latter, look in your XenForo /src/config.php for the details.

If the former, ArrowChat doesn't touch existing information in your XenForo database. It only adds new tables and reads from the current tables to get your usernames, avatars, etc. You could create a new database just for ArrowChat, but you wouldn't be able to integrate with XenForo (guest only).
I don't see any reason a plugin should need a username and password. Love the idea, not willing to give up private info.

Actually, I think the other add-ons still get the database information.

Then it can read and write to create a table into the database.

The thing is that other add-ons don't ask and don't need you to enter.
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