ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

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@ArrowSuites I have been using arrowchat for a few years now and with xenforo 1.xx I had no issues
but with 2.xx I do have some issues, like when I install the HD Theme pack and choose whatever theme I would like (orange)
the bar is not changing color at all same goes for facebook style full, when I pick any color it is not changing at all
any idea on this?

The HD theme pack is now outdated so it will no longer work with the latest version of ArrowChat. Also, when a theme is changed, the user's browser cache must be cleared. ArrowChat attempts to do by refreshing their page but sometimes an additional refresh is required by the user.
I bought this a week ago, and I'm still waiting their support help. I am using the v 2.2 but it seems that there is some issues going on with the permissions. I'm not exactly sure which ones need to be changed to 0755 and I think it's a bit odd for a customer to have to be searching all the files and guess which ones they need to change. As for the customer support it's going on a week now and I still haven't been able to get this working on my site. I am patient but when the support has a time limit of less than 30 days, that puts a frown in my brow and concern
Hello @Trueprime
I experienced the same. Support is awfully slow but they respond.
Did you opened a Ticket @ their website ? If not you should.
Yes I have a ticket open, last ticket they responded was asking my ftp so they can locate the issue, but that was already several days now. Thank you for the re-assurance
I think they should, go in more detail when it comes to installing on xenforo 2. Maybe add these to the installation instructions. All I saw was basic instructions and video. Maybe update the video to newer present. And define the permissions in those instructions. Just an idea to avoid confusion
I bought this a week ago, and I'm still waiting their support help. I am using the v 2.2 but it seems that there is some issues going on with the permissions. I'm not exactly sure which ones need to be changed to 0755 and I think it's a bit odd for a customer to have to be searching all the files and guess which ones they need to change. As for the customer support it's going on a week now and I still haven't been able to get this working on my site. I am patient but when the support has a time limit of less than 30 days, that puts a frown in my brow and concern
I just checked into your ticket.

I see that your average response time was considerably less than 24 hours with the exception of the weekend when we close. I do apologize that we weren't able to live up to your expectations; we are a very small team.

The problem did not have anything to do with ArrowChat, but the method that you uploaded the files/folders. Everything had 666 permissions and was rejected by your server. It looks like the technician was able to solve the issue. Please let us know if you need anything else.
Hello @ArrowSuites is there anyway I could get one of the chatrooms to popout via a navigation item?

I see it can easily pop out in it's own window. There's no link URL for the popout which makes it difficult. Just says 'event' when you do inspect element. I'd like to target the popout in a navigation item that says "chat". Any idea?
Hello @ArrowSuites is there anyway I could get one of the chatrooms to popout via a navigation item?

I see it can easily pop out in it's own window. There's no link URL for the popout which makes it difficult. Just says 'event' when you do inspect element. I'd like to target the popout in a navigation item that says "chat". Any idea?

Yes! The URL would be:

You need to replace the "15" with the ID of the chat room (this can be found in the admin panel). The ah=1 hides the left panel from appearing on load.

the webcam function inside is working?

Yes, every package of ArrowChat comes with some form of video/audio chat.
This resource has been removed and is no longer available. The following reason was provided:
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Why has this been deleted?

This is valid software and a valid XF plugin that is still being sold and worked on.

This resource has been deleted by XenForo Ltd. in line with our resource housekeeping criteria.

having problems using my admin name in the chat room. i use xenforo 1 verson tho. the usergroups show but still can't use my name.
The name "Admin" is blocked by default. You can unblock it in the admin panel under general settings.
any updates coming? its been like a year and half here, we cant even run it with php 7.3 without problems and now there is some other suspect issues so about to bail on this project...
any updates coming? its been like a year and half here, we cant even run it with php 7.3 without problems and now there is some other suspect issues so about to bail on this project...
Yes! We also have a new feature rolling out very shortly that will make the updates come a lot faster and more frequent.
Yes! We also have a new feature rolling out very shortly that will make the updates come a lot faster and more frequent.
Also hoping for an update on this, I really want to use this but needs to work with 7.3.

There's also some features I would love to see here and I'm wondering if they are either potential future features or even just possible in theory? Also I apologize if these are features already and I somehow missed them.
  • I'm surprised there is no reactions. They're an essential feature of facebook at this point.
  • Accessible logs, logs are really important to keep track of conversation history.
  • Is it potentially possible to allow users to choose the account they want to use to chat while still browsing the site from another? Our site allows multiple accounts per user.
  • Either the option to allow bbcode/RTE or a way to spoiler words -- Content Warnings are important for us and for many site demographics these days.
  • Personalized text color. Everyone likes to feel like they have some flair. :)

Thank you in advance.!
Also hoping for an update on this, I really want to use this but needs to work with 7.3.

There's also some features I would love to see here and I'm wondering if they are either potential future features or even just possible in theory? Also I apologize if these are features already and I somehow missed them.
  • I'm surprised there is no reactions. They're an essential feature of facebook at this point.
  • Accessible logs, logs are really important to keep track of conversation history.
  • Is it potentially possible to allow users to choose the account they want to use to chat while still browsing the site from another? Our site allows multiple accounts per user.
  • Either the option to allow bbcode/RTE or a way to spoiler words -- Content Warnings are important for us and for many site demographics these days.
  • Personalized text color. Everyone likes to feel like they have some flair. :)

Thank you in advance.!
I wasn't aware there are issues with 7.3? What issues are you having?

User's logs can be pulled up in the admin panel by searching the user's name under Manage > Users. The others are currently not implemented but you may be able to request them using our upcoming feature.
I wasn't aware there are issues with 7.3? What issues are you having?

User's logs can be pulled up in the admin panel by searching the user's name under Manage > Users. The others are currently not implemented but you may be able to request them using our upcoming feature.
I was referring to what the fella before you said, they seemed to indicate there was issue on PHP 7.3.
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