Not a bug Are Promotions Working?


Active member
Affected version
2.0.0 RC2
Are promotions working? I set up a new promotion and found that somehow it did not work.
So not sure if Old Promotions set on 1.5X (which were working fine) are working on 2.X
To answer the question directly, "yes" as they are working fine here and the upgrade shouldn't do anything to prevent them from working.

To try and reproduce the issue we'd need to know what the criteria is, and details about which users are not getting promoted when they should be.

Just bear in mind that users should be promoted when they first log in or after they've been active for up to an hour. Promotions don't apply to users who have not logged in recently.
Ok Here's the Question:

User is in default registered group and that group has no read content right to threads in certain forums -- 4 in nos
He gets promoted to Next Group L1 -- One of the four get Read thread content
Then Next L2 -- Two of the four get Read thread content
and Next L3 -- All four get th Read thread content

L3 has got view thread content rights to certain forums which are not allowed in Registered/L1/L2
Promotion works to place the use in L1/L2/L3 subroups

But, the user, despite being in group L3 cannot view the thread contents in those forums where L3 Group permission is rightly set to allow.
Have not really looked into the specifics of your permissions there but just to clarify, the users are getting promoted, but the permissions aren't working as you expect?

If that's the case I'll close the bug, but I'd recommend posting a new thread with the specifics of the permission issue.
Have not really looked into the specifics of your permissions there but just to clarify, the users are getting promoted, but the permissions aren't working as you expect?

If that's the case I'll close the bug, but I'd recommend posting a new thread with the specifics of the permission issue.
Yes it's the permission of the new group which is not being honored. Ok I will open a new ticket and if needed I can give access to admin over PM
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