[AP] Style Suite

[AP] Style Suite [Paid] 2.14.2

No permission to buy (€15.00)
This would have worked a few updates ago but I've since reworked how CSS validation works. I can try over the next few updates to allow advanced CSS for profile styles.

@apathy is there any ETA? If you're going to add forum-wide CSS customization for the user, we'll buy.
@apathy now custom CSS is available for forum wide?
If by "forum-wide" you mean the CSS will affect the whole page, then yes. The user can use CSS to style all elements of their profile page.
There's no way for the user the style the board index or something like that if that's what you're asking
It wouldn't be feasible to allow per-user theming of the whole forum
Why is this? I've been looking into creating something with this feature for my users and literally was about to inquire about it when I saw this post.

The block/ header image and colors for buttons /links are what I think was considering for individualizing the user experience without causing performance issues.

If this is something you don't want to do I understand, just wondering if it's actually impossible or just not feasible for this addon? ( side note, I am willing to finance this)
Why is this? I've been looking into creating something with this feature for my users and literally was about to inquire about it when I saw this post.

The block/ header image and colors for buttons /links are what I think was considering for individualizing the user experience without causing performance issues.

If this is something you don't want to do I understand, just wondering if it's actually impossible or just not feasible for this addon? ( side note, I am willing to finance this)
It would basically be a massive expansion of the Profile styles which honestly is handled kind of messily, each input of the Profile styles is linked to certain CSS selectors that the addon expects to be on the profile page, and it just overrides them.
That results in extra CSS on the page (lower pagespeed), I'm limited to supporting specific themes, and if we were to think about styling the rest of the board the code would basically become unmanageable for me very quickly

I've tried a good few times over the years to come up with a better solution for handling profile styles, but I run into problems pretty quickly. Xenforo compiles & caches it's CSS, so a simple idea like looking for Style Property IDs and replacing them with the user's input won't work.

I've tried then to modify the CSS as it's delivered to the user with string replacements, but in that context of the page response I wasn't able to figure out how to check if the visitor was actually viewing a profile, so the changes to CSS that should have been limited to the viewed profile were applying board-wide (undesireable even in the context of board-wide customizations)

With XF2.3 I was having better luck, as it generates some CSS variables that are very easy to replace. It even looked better, as it was preserving the gradients that are part of the XF theme, but I then noticed that these variables only seem to be generated when Style Variations are enabled, which of course isn't going to be true for all the themes out there (even the ones on my own XF board dont have them enabled).

So unless someone can suggest an approach that should work, or unless XF3.0's style changes are flexible enough that one of my past attempts would now work, I can't improve the profile styles or go beyond and implement board-wide styles

Another thing though, imagine how many inputs would have to be available for the user on the Style Settings page to allow for good board-wide control. It would almost be a public replica of the Style Properties page, and if we even got this far we might run into trouble supporting other 3rd-party addons which have their own Style Properties. I could forsee instances where 95% of a board could be styled by the user but a specific page has half-broken styling because we don't support that addon.
I appreciate the really thorough response and explanation 🙂 It's nice to see a dev who thoroughly considers these things.
@apathy i bought this plugin, but I couldn't run it at all, do I need to make any settings, except the specified settings. All permissions have been granted, I'm trying to add an avatar frame or change the username style, but it's not working.
@apathy i bought this plugin, but I couldn't run it at all, do I need to make any settings, except the specified settings. All permissions have been granted, I'm trying to add an avatar frame or change the username style, but it's not working.
The addon should import the bundled "assets" (avatar frames, sparkles etc) during installation. If those pages are showing a blank list then something went wrong.

Did you see any errors in your log?

Also, what happens when you try manually add one? Does it appear in the list but not the public dropdown in the Style Settings page?
The addon should import the bundled "assets" (avatar frames, sparkles etc) during installation. If those pages are showing a blank list then something went wrong.

Did you see any errors in your log?

Also, what happens when you try manually add one? Does it appear in the list but not the public dropdown in the Style Settings page?
I've checked them all and there's nothing wrong in sight. fonts also do not work.
Last edited:
I've checked them all and there's nothing wrong in sight.
So just to confirm, the frames etc correctly appear in the admin panel, but not in the public Style Settings page?

You can try force a rebuild of the specific asset types cache on the admin panels lists, and I'd triple check that the "Usable by user groups" checkboxes for each asset is correct.

If these don't work would you be able to set me up an admin account on your forum to investigate?
So just to confirm, the frames etc correctly appear in the admin panel, but not in the public Style Settings page?

You can try force a rebuild of the specific asset types cache on the admin panels lists, and I'd triple check that the "Usable by user groups" checkboxes for each asset is correct.

If these don't work would you be able to set me up an admin account on your forum to investigate?
i have sent you a dm so that you can check
there is a mismatch with this plugin.

Sunucu hata günlüğü
ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "avatar_frame" src/addons/apathy/StyleSuite/XF/Template/Templater.php:282
Tarafından: Bilinmeyen hesap 06.02.2025 06:53'de
Yığın izleme
#0 src/addons/apathy/StyleSuite/XF/Template/Templater.php(282): XF::handlePhpError(2, '[E_WARNING] Und...', '/home/oltamis/p...', 282)
#1 src/addons/apathy/StyleSuite/XF/Template/Templater.php(163): apathy\StyleSuite\XF\Template\Templater->isPropEnabled('avatar_frame')
#2 src/addons/Snog/Avatar/XF/Template/Templater.php(25): apathy\StyleSuite\XF\Template\Templater->fnAvatar(Object(SV\StandardLib\XF\Template\Templater), false, Object(SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\XF\Entity\User), 's', false, Array)
#3 src/addons/SV/UserActivity/SV/StandardLib/TemplaterHelper.php(55): Snog\Avatar\XF\Template\Templater->fnAvatar(Object(SV\StandardLib\XF\Template\Templater), false, Object(SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\XF\Entity\User), 's', false, Array)
#4 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1220): SV\UserActivity\SV\StandardLib\TemplaterHelper->fnArrayAvatar(Object(SV\StandardLib\XF\Template\Templater), false, Object(SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\XF\Entity\User), 's', false, Array)
#5 src/addons/LiamW/MentionMiniAvatar/XF/BbCode/Renderer/Html.php(54): XF\Template\Templater->func('avatar', Array)
#6 src/XF/BbCode/Renderer/Html.php(356): LiamW\MentionMiniAvatar\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html->renderTagUser(Array, '1', Array, Array, Object(LiamW\MentionMiniAvatar\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html))
#7 src/addons/s9e/MediaSites/XF/BbCode/Renderer/Html.php(17): XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html->renderTag(Array, Array)
#8 src/XF/BbCode/Traverser.php(63): s9e\MediaSites\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html->renderTag(Array, Array)
#9 src/addons/SV/AdvancedBbCodesPack/BbCode/Tag/AbstractTag.php(173): XF\BbCode\Traverser->renderSubTree(Array, Array)
#10 src/addons/SV/AdvancedBbCodesPack/BbCode/Tag/ModInterrupt.php(147): SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\BbCode\Tag\AbstractTag->renderEscapedSubTree(Array, Array)
#11 src/XF/BbCode/Renderer/Html.php(356): SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\BbCode\Tag\ModInterrupt->render(Array, '', Array, Array, Object(LiamW\MentionMiniAvatar\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html))
#12 src/addons/s9e/MediaSites/XF/BbCode/Renderer/Html.php(17): XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html->renderTag(Array, Array)
#13 src/XF/BbCode/Traverser.php(63): s9e\MediaSites\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html->renderTag(Array, Array)
#14 src/XF/BbCode/Traverser.php(39): XF\BbCode\Traverser->renderSubTree(Array, Array)
#15 src/XF/BbCode/Traverser.php(22): XF\BbCode\Traverser->renderAst(Array, Object(SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\XF\BbCode\RuleSet), Array)
#16 src/XF/Pub/View/FeedHelper.php(121): XF\BbCode\Traverser->render('[B]Olta Misina[...', Object(SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\XF\BbCode\Parser), Object(SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\XF\BbCode\RuleSet), Array)
#17 src/XF/Pub/View/Forum/Rss.php(72): XF\Pub\View\FeedHelper::setupEntryForThread(Object(Laminas\Feed\Writer\Entry), Object(XFMG\XF\Entity\Thread))
#18 src/XF/Pub/View/Forum/Rss.php(31): XF\Pub\View\Forum\Rss->createEntry(Object(Laminas\Feed\Writer\Feed), Object(XFMG\XF\Entity\Thread), 'last_post_date')
#19 src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php(92): XF\Pub\View\Forum\Rss->renderRss()
#20 src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/Xml.php(72): XF\Mvc\Renderer\AbstractRenderer->renderViewObject('XF:Forum\\Rss', '', Array)
#21 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(471): XF\Mvc\Renderer\Xml->renderView('XF:Forum\\Rss', '', Array)
#22 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(453): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->renderView(Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Rss), Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View))
#23 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(412): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->renderReply(Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Rss), Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View))
#24 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(66): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->render(Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), 'rss')
#25 src/XF/App.php(2826): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#26 src/XF.php(806): XF\App->run()
#27 index.php(23): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#28 {main}
Durum isteği
array(4) {
  ["url"] => string(21) "/forumlar/-/index.rss"
  ["referrer"] => bool(false)
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:

2.14.0 Beta

This is a beta version, please do not upload it on your production site. This version is intended for testing on staging sites.
  • Fix missing "avatar frame" phrase in usergroup editor
  • Fix Undefined array key "avatar_frame"
  • Fix issue where changing an icon position would cause a massive fontawesome icon to render in the preview
  • Fix custom title icon previews not appearing
  • Assets: Allow admins to input...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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