[AP] Style Suite

[AP] Style Suite [Paid] 2.11.12

No permission to buy (€15.00)


Well-known member
apathy submitted a new resource:

[AP] Style Suite - Allows users to change the appearance of usernames, postbits, custom titles & profiles.

This addon allows users to customize the appearance of the username, custom title, profile, and postbit, by adding 4 new pages to the Account Details section. It also expands upon Account Details by adding a new drop-down field that allows users to add a frame to their avatar.

The abilities are all controllable with permissions so you can restrict certain user(groups) from accessing the functionality.

Please note that this addon forces avatars to be square while it's...

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Replace validation errors with phrases in Entity\Profile.php
  • Introduce "Inner-text animations" for Username and Custom Titles (see ObsidNyko's name for example)
  • Introduce basic implementation of Username Icons - FontAwesome or an Image URL supported
  • Introduce Username Icon color (FontAwesome only)
  • Remove border-radius from the avatar updater overlay
  • Add htmlspecialchars protection to...

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Allow per-Group avatar frames (Admin frame, Moderator frame, etc)
  • Style .block--messages .block-row border & font colors for Profile Styles
  • Remove ap_avatar_frames_preview.less since we apparently forgot to do that in the last update
  • Remove ap_avatar_frames.less
  • Migrate ap_avatar_frames.less to a template mod on core_avatar.less
  • Update old frames and add some new ones:
    • Blue
    • Green
    • Copper
    • Gradient 2
    • Neon Copper
    • Neon Gradient 2
    • Neon Palate...

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Give user group frame dropdown a regular formrow rather than a collapsible one
  • Officially support Xenforo 2.1
  • Actually hide the "edit username" icon in ap_username_settings if a user lacks the permission
  • Fix Frames no longer appearing in thread list
  • Fix "weak" glows not appearing on page load if a user has a weak glow set
  • Replace uname_glow_str & ttl_glow_str loose comparisons with strict ones

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Position article authors frame correctly for AMS
  • Attach frames to "Resource Author" for XFRM
  • Attach frames to "Last Post By" in thread list (this still doesn't work 100%)
  • Center profile headers
  • Fix missing custom title "inner-text animation" function in Templater
  • Fix broken profile header permission
  • Remove trailing "0" from Username Glow preview

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Frames are misaligned in the RM Marketplace Dashboard
  • Fix "'Last post by' frames are offset if the thread poster has no frame". Frames should now work 100% in threadlists.
  • Fix "profile skins still apply even if profile styles are disabled"
  • Fix "profile skins still apply even if a user lacks the permission to modify profile styles"
  • Fix "visitor menu links still appear when the relevant section is disabled"
  • Convert sparkle .GIFs to .WebP
  • Convert frame .PNGs to .WebP...

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Add WebP to list of accepted username icon formats
  • Lazyload uname icon images
  • Frames are misaligned in the shop
  • Remove color_picker_macros template modification and call to input[name=XXX] in jQuery instead
  • Fix Title Inner-text Animation preview
  • Stop showing glow in previews if a user has no glow set
  • Remove hardcoded ".png" from Username Icon preview
  • Remove "data/apathy/StyleSuite/frames/" from being prepended to Username Icon Image preview

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Is the addon compatible with UI.X themes?
I've not tested with these themes, however my guess would be everything should work more or less except Profile Styles, which often need a bit of tinkering to fully style on third party themes. Username & Title effects, Avatar Frames, and Postbit styles should all work fine.
If you have trouble getting it to work for your theme you can always message me for assistance.
I've not tested with these themes, however my guess would be everything should work more or less except Profile Styles, which often need a bit of tinkering to fully style on third party themes. Username & Title effects, Avatar Frames, and Postbit styles should all work fine.
If you have trouble getting it to work for your theme you can always message me for assistance.
Ok, thanks for your reply. It is included on my shopping list for the near future. :)
apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


Please note: Internal font names have been redone, some users will be reverted to a fallback font until they reselect it. Affected fonts are Bree Serif, Fontdiner Swanky, Poller One, Reggae One, Zen Dots. You might need to delete the template ap_extra_fonts.less manually for fonts to be read with the correct names.
  • Add missing Righteous font to Admin controller
  • Add missing space to "Poller One" phrase
  • Add missing space to "Zen...

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Add background-repeat: no-repeat; to Postbit backgrounds
  • Allow admins to choose if they want Username Icons to inherit the same styling as Usernames
  • Combine Frame selection options & jQuery into a new template (ap_frame_selector)
  • Add htmlspecialchars to various variables in Templater
  • Profile Page BG field does not update the preview
  • Stop calling to the color picker JS twice in the username controller
  • Align frames correctly in [UW] Forum...

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Hide Icon color field in Admin controller if option is set to separate icon styling
  • Update Admin controller with radio button icon type fields
  • Delete duplicate uname_icon_explain phrase
  • Add "Use https when possible" to username image icon explanation
  • Add underline decoration to inherited username icon style
  • Add italic style to inherited username icon style

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Fall back to user group styling for separately styled icons if no username color has been set
  • Improve avatar compatibility with CSCN Anniversary
  • Improve general profile style (borders, navbar, highlight color)
  • Improve profile style compatibility with Royal
  • Improve profile style compatibility with Pach
  • Improve profile style compatibility with CSCN Anniversary
  • Improve profile style compatibility with Shades of Grey/Shades of Blue
  • Improve profile style...

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apathy updated [AP] Style Suite with a new update entry:


  • Extend [tl] Social Groups addon and allow styling of each group
  • Improve profile style compatibility with PurpleFreak
  • Improve profile style compatibility with MX Dark
  • Improve profile style compatibility with FlatTheme - PigmentGreen
  • Improve profile style compatibility with Pro Black
  • Add user criteria for trophies, badges, etc
  • Fix "Unknown getter: ap_frame" when adding/deleting User Groups
  • Frames are misaligned on AMS category view
  • Add "Background repeat"...

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Hi, this addon is generating a ton of errors in relation to the BD REST Api I use with Xfrocks.

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