[AP] Style Suite

[AP] Style Suite 2.11.12

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  • Create "Disable animated glows" user preference option
  • Fix regression where a users' style could be passed on to the admin editing whos editing the user
  • Fix Attempted to convert NULL to string/binary [icon]
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  • Gracefully reject incorrectly formatted default bbcodes
  • Fix issue where removing permissions would only restrict the user from accessing the settings page, when it should also stop the style from applying
  • Remove "Sparkle width" style property as its no longer necessary
  • Remove "Postbit display type" style property as its no longer necessary
  • Fix Attempt to read property "post_style" on null
  • Re-enable previews
  • (Hopefully) fix issue where default post font size could be different in certain circumstances
  • Fix various issues with UserStyleImage service
  • Fix Undefined array key "XF:User[7044]" when trying to delete a user
  • Fix issue where editing a users styles from the Admin Panel can actually pass those same styles on to your user account
  • Disable previews until jQuery -> JS port is complete
  • Fix Class apathy\StyleSuite\Service\Admin\Image does not exist when deleting an asset
  • Fix Argument #1 ($color) must be type of string, array given when choosing selectable usergroup colors
  • Fix Class apathy\StyleSuite\Service\Admin\AvatarFrame does not exist during a fresh install
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Reactions: Capitan Terror
  • Fix Undefined array key: apSsDisableAvatarFrameStyles
  • Fix undefined index error during a rebuild of the asset cache
This update was originally planned to be a port of the jQuery code to vanilla Javascript in preparation for XF2.3, but it's been postponed until the next version to address some bug reports and perform some cleanups.
  • Improve overall abstraction
  • Improve overall reliability when upgrading from versions as old as 2.7.1
  • Fix Call to undefined method apathy\StyleSuite\Setup::hasAddonInstalled() during the upgrade process
  • Improve Siropu Chat 2 user tagging fix as it could cause the chat to stop working in certain instances
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Reactions: btmgreg
  • Fix custom title gradient colors not applying
  • Drop support for [tl] Social Group styling (it might return once XF 2.3 is out)
  • Remove Onboarding handlers and rely on XF User Criteria instead
  • Correct the URL used for loading Postbit preset images in the live-previews
  • Fix issue where the default Post style font size could prevent editing a user
  • Rename style property & permission IDs for consistency (all consistency cleanups are now complete)
    • You may need to reconfigure your user groups permissions for the addon post-upgrade
  • Add notice to Font asset page if fileinfo PHP extension is not enabled / soft-require fileinfo
  • Stop needlessly loading Tooltip JS if the "Disable tooltip CSS" style property is active
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Reactions: oO5 Dynasty
  • Templates are still looking for un-minified Util JS
  • Fix Cannot call method getIconUrl on a non-object (array)
  • Rename phrase IDs and option IDs for consistency
  • Set all assets to "enabled" by default during install
  • Generate animated glow stylesheets from regular style caches and deprecate glow caches
  • Fix unknown template ap_ss_profile_style.less
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Reactions: DarkGizmo
  • Stop filter from appearing if a postbit style exists but has no background image set
  • Fix separator not being styled by Tooltip border color
  • Fix padding of image uploader in certain instances
  • Some internal consistency cleanups
  • Convert post style font size admin options into style properties
  • Change default value of Post style font size column from 0 -> 12
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