Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

XF has the same policy now it has had for the past 11 years.

Information related to road maps, features, etc. is not publicly announced, other than in HYS threads, which precede a new release.

The first HYS will be available Soon™.

Soon™: Copyright pending 2004-2021 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. "Soon™" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future.
I check multiple times a week. Excited to see what the summer may bring. There are many upvoted suggestions that excite me in the suggestion forum. Crossing my fingers they will release a few of them :)
I appreciate that the Xenforo team have never released roadmaps, but it would be nice to hear from them if there is actually any new development going on and if we can expect new features anytime soon.

As has been pointed out already on this thread its over 2 years since 2.2 was released, and we haven't really seen anything but bugfixes and PHP8 preparation in the last year - these are obviously essential, so kudos for that - but XF are a small team and I do wonder how much effort is going into the "Cloud" solution at the expense of development.

We all know that standing still in the Forum/Internet world means we are in reality going backwards against other social media, and we need more innovations to retain our forum users and attract new ones.
I appreciate that the Xenforo team have never released roadmaps, but it would be nice to hear from them if there is actually any new development going on and if we can expect new features anytime soon.

As has been pointed out already on this thread its over 2 years since 2.2 was released, and we haven't really seen anything but bugfixes and PHP8 preparation in the last year - these are obviously essential, so kudos for that - but XF are a small team and I do wonder how much effort is going into the "Cloud" solution at the expense of development.

We all know that standing still in the Forum/Internet world means we are in reality going backwards against other social media, and we need more innovations to retain our forum users and attract new ones.
Very well said I must say.
2.3 has been in active development for quite some time and we expect to start running HYS threads in the coming weeks.
Miss A Cant Wait To See You GIF
2.3 has been in active development for quite some time and we expect to start running HYS threads in the coming weeks.
Now that the cloud (and framework) is released, does this mean going forward all new versions will be worked on as a single entity, rather than needing to halt one to work on the other?
We all know that standing still in the Forum/Internet world means we are in reality going backwards against other social media, and we need more innovations to retain our forum users and attract new ones.
Not putting in the effort to make XF a viable player in the cloud would have been going backwards against other social media. Many people either don't have the technical savvy or don't want to put in the effort of getting a host, buying software, installing software, etc. They are going to cloud-based social media options like Circle or even (barf) Facebook groups, not Xenforo. The only way Xenforo can compete with those is being in the cloud and offering a viable alternative in the cloud. I would tend to argue that the time spent on the cloud is going to benefit all in the long run because it will keep the company viable and competitive. Ignoring the cloud and focussing entirely on a tight dev cycle for self-hosted would be going backwards.
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