AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2

AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 [Paid] 2.3.0 Patch Level 2

No permission to buy (€50.00)
Just an FYI 1.1.4 appears to have resolved issues with fonts (for UIX) as well as patching issues with UIX themes that were not HTML5 compliant (and thus errored by Google AMP bot). Looks like Google is slowly starting to reindex amp pages. Great job by @mazzly on working around these issues that were not the fault of his addon.
Thanks :)

New release coming soon that allow setting custom header, background color/image of the header, and other nice things :)
just a fyi. in case this is not mentioned already. google has an official extension for chrome which can check amp validity of the page you are on. it also lets you access the amp version of the page you are on. easier than manually changing the url.

AMP Validator - Chrome Web Store

clicking it would load the amp page and the icon would show if the page is validated or not. if not, you can check the errors as well.
just a fyi. in case this is not mentioned already. google has an official extension for chrome which can check amp validity of the page you are on. it also lets you access the amp version of the page you are on. easier than manually changing the url.

AMP Validator - Chrome Web Store

clicking it would load the amp page and the icon would show if the page is validated or not. if not, you can check the errors as well.
Yep, that is a good tool to use when you want to validate if the AMP is correct :) The online tools available for AMP validation are usually slow and use cached data.. The "Problem Page"-dashboard you get on also uses "live" data from the servers :)
there is a link in my reports that no longer exist because i merged it with another thread. so it is now being redirected. the redirected page is amp compliant. verify fix does not resolve the report. where do i send this link? open a bug report? i imagine this is something that is likely to happen in future as well. 😖
there is a link in my reports that no longer exist because i merged it with another thread. so it is now being redirected. the redirected page is amp compliant. verify fix does not resolve the report. where do i send this link? open a bug report? i imagine this is something that is likely to happen in future as well. 😖
Open a support case on ampxf I will look into it, I think I already now, but best to verify first :)
Looks interesting. Thanks for taking the time to build this.

I'm assuming all the people who have left the review so far had prior access to trial/beta and so, didn't pay (or at least, didn't pay full price?).
Looks interesting. Thanks for taking the time to build this.

I'm assuming all the people who have left the review so far had prior access to trial/beta and so, didn't pay (or at least, didn't pay full price?).
People that were part of the beta tests were: me, @rdn @briansol @Masetrix @JoyFreak @Recep Baltaş.
@Andro and @arn also gave much helpful feedback :) Beta testers paid a license that was slightly cheaper than the Small license.

The rest have paid for the addon :)
People that were part of the beta tests were: me, @rdn @briansol @Masetrix @JoyFreak @Recep Baltaş.
@Andro and @arn also gave much helpful feedback :) Beta testers paid a license that was slightly cheaper than the Small license.

The rest have paid for the addon :)

Thanks for the transparency. I'll buy this over the weekend.

I always thought AMP was only needed for our front page/wordpress articles for Google News and Discover but if this plugin can give us an extra 5% I'd be over the moon and it would be well worth the fee.

Thanks for the transparency. I'll buy this over the weekend.

I always thought AMP was only needed for our front page/wordpress articles for Google News and Discover but if this plugin can give us an extra 5% I'd be over the moon and it would be well worth the fee.

I'm excited to see if we can get you there, or maybe even further? ;)
Hello again!

I think i have a new question about AdSense and maybe can help another users from your add-on!

My AdSense have Auto Ads enabled, so, for AMP Pages, AdSense have a different configuration. I already found on Admin Panel -> Advertising the AMP space for the <body> snippet.

But for the <head></head> snippet i can't find where i have to put this:

<script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads"

Any tips?

EDIT: I think i just found the solution.

Template: AMP_CONTAINER and just add the snippet.

Let's see ifs Google deploys this adds...
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Hello again!

I think i have a new question about AdSense and maybe can help another users from your add-on!

My AdSense have Auto Ads enabled, so, for AMP Pages, AdSense have a different configuration. I already found on Admin Panel -> Advertising the AMP space for the <body> snippet.

But for the <head></head> snippet i can't find where i have to put this:

<script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads"

Any tips?

EDIT: I think i just found the solution.

Template: AMP_CONTAINER and just add the snippet.

Let's see ifs Google deploys this adds...
You don't need to modify the AMP_CONTAINER template. Simply put your auto-ads code into the "Advertising the AMP space for the <body> snippet" and if you have the latest version, it should automatically insert the auto-ads code to your <head> section.
I am following this discussion closely and I am curious about the results later in a month or two.

Anyway, one general question:

What kind of things are expected NOT to work with this addon? Many of us use many addons and it would be nice to know vaguely what stuff we won't have activated if we go the AMP route.
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Yes, AMS support would be GREAT. Note, that doesn't mean AMPXF "breaks" it. AMPXF only supports threads and posts currently, so anything else is simply not in scope and will render normally. It is only for search engine traffic on mobile (i.e., Guests), and whatever you click on the page will render the full version of the destination page. I have a LOT of add-ons and there are no appreciable issues, especially when you consider the objective (get non-visitors directly into the content they were searching for, without other distractions / bells & whistles). Notably, XFES similar threads is supported, which is great.
Yeah. I already suggested the compability with Bob's AMS. Is a must have, specially for any website that generates CMS content.

I'm sure the add on support is going to keep going, since the developer is providing one of the best assistance around all this community, just like Bob.
Hello again!

I think i have a new question about AdSense and maybe can help another users from your add-on!


EDIT: I think i just found the solution.

Template: AMP_CONTAINER and just add the snippet.

Let's see ifs Google deploys this adds...
Dont edit Templates...

ACP -> Advertising -> ad position -> "After opening of <body>-tag [AMP]" insert your

<amp-auto-ads type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxx"></amp-auto-ads>

Thats it...
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