Not a bug after placing the text in the inline code


Affected version
[COLOR=rgb(0, 168, 133)]test[/COLOR]

I chose a text color after placing the text in the inline code. I am facing such issue in preview. Please review the pictures. I tested the same issue in hereedit1.PNG
This is expected. We don't attempt to render other BB code inside the [icode] tag because it's not designed to support formatting inside of it.

The editor doesn't fully understand our BB code rules until it attempts to convert it to BB code and then back to HTML (toggle the "Toggle BB code" button) hence why it will momentarily seem like it is supported. There's not really a great deal we can do about that.

But for your purposes I think what you actually want is:

[ICODE=rich][COLOR=rgb(0, 168, 133)]Using the `rich` option allows richer formatting inside the inline code.[/COLOR][/ICODE]

Using the `rich` option allows richer formatting inside the inline code.
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