Implemented Advanced Navigation Tabs and Sub-Tabs

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I like how this site implemented two things I have suggested in the past
- getting rid of the Members Tab.
- getting rid of the Help Tab. (just be renaming it Misc.) - clever (easy) method !

Would be nice to do this in a Advanced Navigation Tabs and SubTabs addon or xenforo core.
To be honest the only reason I combined the tabs like that is because otherwise the user etc. menus at the right wrap out of sight on Android with the amount of tabs I have.

Also you're not seeing the other options in the Forums tab because you aren't logged in :)
To be honest the only reason I combined the tabs like that is because otherwise the user etc. menus at the right wrap out of sight on Android with the amount of tabs I have.
Heh. Another good reason for it ! :)

Also you're not seeing the other options in the Forums tab because you aren't logged in :)
heh. yea. I was pretty sure that was the reason. But I left it in there anyway o_O Probably shouldn't have.

Forums SubTabs at

o Mark All Forums Read
o Search Forums
o Watched Threads
o What's New?

None of these are too fluffy ... but ... I'd like recent activity on the Forums Tab ... so ....
I'd probably put Mark All Forums Read, hidden in a dropdown somewhere (I don't think it is used very often)(and the people that use it will find it !).
I'd either delete Watched Threads subtab (it is in the profile anyway) or put it in the subtab dropdown I already discussed.
Ok step one of the mockup
View attachment 10102

(notes: as I see it, needed would be: Button{ link only } Button/Menu { Button that is a link as well as a hover for drop-down menu }, and Menu { drop down with no link for itself } the button creation page.
Wow that feels so like long ago now.

When I had first posted this I had never tried making an addon...I had no clue what was going on with anything really. Now that I am more in the loop of things (that is debatable) I thought of this....

On the my proposed button creation page the same kind of drop down that let's a template get added to an addon at the bottom of a template editing page could be displayed when the board is in debug mode just the same and that would allow for buttons to be installed with addons.

Again I may have no clue what I am talking about...but I just came back to this thread linked from another one and saw my mockup and while being reminded skimmed over a post about adding tabs with an addon and thought of this.
Kier has repeatedly said Xenforo 1.x is a forum package.
I suspect this extends beyond the mandate of a forum package and thus is unlikely to be in 1.1.
I really want this, I don't see why people are saying it goes beyond the mandate of forum software, I don't think it's a particularly large thing and would be extremely useful for admins.
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