Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.5.2

No permission to buy (€49.99)
I never had a proper spacer when using the banner output with "Display in post layout" enabled, so I made some alterations;


Likely not optimal but here is how I did it with my theme.

Edit Template "siropu_ads_manager_ad_macros".

<xf:set var="$userTitle" value="{$package.getPostLayoutSetting('title')|raw}" />

Below add:
<!-- Under First Post -->
    <header data-template-name="public:post_macros::post_attribution" class="message-attribution message-attribution--split">
        <ul class="message-attribution-main listInline ">
            <li class="u-concealed">
        <ul class="message-attribution-opposite message-attribution-opposite--list ">
                <a href="">#1½</a>
<!-- Under First Post -->

<div class="bbWrapper">{$content}</div>

Below add:
<!-- Under First Post -->
    <aside data-template-name="public:message_macros::signature" class="message-signature">
        <div class="bbWrapper">Signature here.</div>
<!-- Under First Post -->

When exporting ads, I don't get this on my live site (VB v2.2.16, AM2 v2.4.22), but after upgrading my dev site (VB v2.3.3, AM2 v2.5.2) I started seeing:
Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 1.08.50 PM.webp

Anybody else get this?
Not sure if I'm taking you too literally here, but is that ...jpg intentional?

If you mean urls like and the rest of the images in there I can see those via the browser.
Right, so you're using Amazon R2, correct? You've upgraded but you are getting 404 on images. As per this image -->


I would access this URL directly , if its 404ing then I would assume its a sync error or permission error post upgrade. If you check it via ssh/ftp or whatever, is it still in the data/siropu/am/user/* folder? If its there, good, but then it doesn't explain the 404.
Right, so you're using Amazon R2, correct? You've upgraded but you are getting 404 on images. As per this image -->

View attachment 311260

I would access this URL directly , if its 404ing then I would assume its a sync error or permission error post upgrade. If you check it via ssh/ftp or whatever, is it still in the data/siropu/am/user/* folder? If its there, good, but then it doesn't explain the 404.
Roger Roger.

Correct on the Amazon R2 usage, which is where the customer's uploaded image. It's not avail with a local link like the script is looking for.

Also, just noticed that the R2 URL drops the /data/ portion of the url where this doesn't

Thanks @MentaL
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