Fixed AddThis: Publisher ID not being sent $xenOptions.addThis.pubId

Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
As per a request I am currently looking at replacing the default share_page functionality with AddThis rendered buttons, that look like this:


I have been using a combination of code from the addthis_ajax functionality and code available via the AddThis website.

The code with the bug is the following:

<script type="text/javascript">


XenForo.loadJs("{xen:if {$xenOptions.addThisPubId}, '&pubid={xen:jsescape $xenOptions.addThis.pubId}'}");


I have highlighted the problem in red, with the correct in green. As far as I can tell $xenOptions.addThisPubId doesn't exist, so the xen:if will always come back empty and never pull the correct variable which is $xenOptions.addThis.pubID.

I have implemented this in my code and whereas before View Source would look like:

<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_share_config = 
    url: "",

It now looks like:

<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_share_config = 
    url: "",
Confirmed in 1.1.2

The "addThisPubId" option does not exist. Clearly a typo:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> addthis_ajax


Rich (BB code):
XenForo.loadJs("{xen:if {$xenOptions.addThisPubId}, '&pubid={xen:jsescape $xenOptions.addThis.pubId}'}");


Rich (BB code):
XenForo.loadJs("{xen:if {$xenOptions.addThis.pubId}, '&pubid={xen:jsescape $xenOptions.addThis.pubId}'}");
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