Adding Meta Tag Keywords

The meta description is defined here:

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Basic Board Information -> Board Meta Description

Note that the meta description changes to use actual page content for pages like threads. But on pages like the index it uses the description you define in the options.

There are no keywords defined because search engines (most notably Google) don't use them anymore. But you can edit the templates if you want to add keywords:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> PAGE_CONTAINER

Add it to the bottom of the head as shown below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html id="XenForo" class="Public {xen:if {$visitor.user_id}, 'LoggedIn', 'LoggedOut'}">
	<meta charset="utf-8" />
	<xen:if is="{$requestPaths.fullBasePath}"><base href="{$requestPaths.fullBasePath}" /></xen:if>

	<title><xen:if is="{$title}">{xen:raw $title} | {$xenOptions.boardTitle}<xen:else />{$xenOptions.boardTitle}</xen:if></title>

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.php?css=xenforo,form,public&amp;style={xen:urlencode $_styleId}&amp;d={$visitorStyle.last_modified_date}" />

	<xen:include template="google_analytics" />
	<xen:include template="page_container_js_head" />

	<xen:if is="{$pageDescription.content} AND !{$pageDescription.skipmeta} AND !{$head.description}"><meta name="description" content="{xen:string wordTrim, {xen:helper stripHtml, {xen:raw $pageDescription.content}}, 200}" /></xen:if>
	<xen:if is="{$head}"><xen:foreach loop="$head" value="$headElement">{xen:raw $headElement}</xen:foreach></xen:if>

        <meta name="keywords" content="your,words,here" />

edit - Brogan wins this round :p
I understood that search engines don't use meta tags these days?
They DO use it. You just don't see it. It is an algorithm overlay.

It goes together with description. So any word that you intentionally target, with keywords are found in bolded in results.

For example, a person throws a whip at a stick, will try to repel it to himself. That's exactly what Google and other SE's do with the keywords in meta.
They DO use it. You just don't see it. It is an algorithm overlay.

It goes together with description. So any word that you intentionally target, with keywords are found in bolded in results.

For example, a person throws a whip at a stick, will try to repel it to himself. That's exactly what Google and other SE's do with the keywords in meta.
Err, no: Google makes no use of meta keywords. Description is used though.
so for the "Board Meta Description", what should I put into this field ?
I mean: what is the best for SEO ?
Just single keywords separated by a comma or rather full sentence descriptions ?

Additionally, I do not get why the Forum-title is the same as the Title which appears at the very top-left in the browser ?
Is this intended design by XF and what is the advantage of this ? Having a rather long Forum-Title unfortunately also gives a very long "Sender name" on the system-E-Mails which are being send, which is rather confusing for the user when the sender-name is at the length of a full sentence.
But I would like to have a longer Board-Title in order to improve on the SEO.
Am I wrong in my thinking ?

What happens to SEO if my Board-Title says "" ? Is this bad for SEO ?
I missed your post somehow.

The meta information like the title and description doesn't affect your page rank on Google. Page rank is a function of link exposure which comes as a result of having good content on your site that people link to. Content is king. It's not like you can improve the standing of your site on Google by changing your page title and description.

If you are curious about the details of Google's page rank algorithm then read this wiki:
so for the "Board Meta Description", what should I put into this field ?
I mean: what is the best for SEO ?
Just single keywords separated by a comma or rather full sentence descriptions ?

Additionally, I do not get why the Forum-title is the same as the Title which appears at the very top-left in the browser ?
Is this intended design by XF and what is the advantage of this ? Having a rather long Forum-Title unfortunately also gives a very long "Sender name" on the system-E-Mails which are being send, which is rather confusing for the user when the sender-name is at the length of a full sentence.
But I would like to have a longer Board-Title in order to improve on the SEO.
Am I wrong in my thinking ?

What happens to SEO if my Board-Title says "" ? Is this bad for SEO ?

Curious as to what you guys have to say about this
I already replied to that with my previous post:

The meta information like the title and description doesn't affect your page rank on Google. Page rank is a function of link exposure which comes as a result of having good content on your site that people link to. Content is king. It's not like you can improve the standing of your site on Google by changing your page title and description.

If you are curious about the details of Google's page rank algorithm then read this wiki:

In addition to that I would add...

The title doesn't normally contain your domain name. It can. I personally think it's redundant.

The meta description is normally a "full sentence description" as opposed to "single keywords." Also refer to my previous post:

Note that the meta description changes to use actual page content for pages like threads. But on pages like the index it uses the description you define in the options.
so for the "Board Meta Description", what should I put into this field ?
I mean: what is the best for SEO ?
Just single keywords separated by a comma or rather full sentence descriptions ?

If I may just jump in here.

re: SEO, what you put in the meta description doesn't affect how you would rank in Google, BUT, it's still very important as it's generally the snippet people see under the title of the site in the listing.

So when your site is returned among several others on the first page of Google listings, they are more likely to click on the one with the most interesting and useful description.

So think of it as an advertisement where you must sell the site in one or two sentences.
so for the "Board Meta Description", what should I put into this field ?
I mean: what is the best for SEO ?
Just single keywords separated by a comma or rather full sentence descriptions ?

Additionally, I do not get why the Forum-title is the same as the Title which appears at the very top-left in the browser ?
Is this intended design by XF and what is the advantage of this ? Having a rather long Forum-Title unfortunately also gives a very long "Sender name" on the system-E-Mails which are being send, which is rather confusing for the user when the sender-name is at the length of a full sentence.
But I would like to have a longer Board-Title in order to improve on the SEO.
Am I wrong in my thinking ?

What happens to SEO if my Board-Title says "" ? Is this bad for SEO ?

still do not get it why there is no differentiation between "Website Board Title" and the "Board Title" which is used in E-mails.
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