XF 2.2 Meta tag?


Active member

I'm kinda new to seo world and back when google was king (When was that again? :D) i didn't care as much about it but now i'm trying to get into it (going to be a disaster :rolleyes:)

Since all google says is "URL is on Google" on the other hand bing says "Meta Refresh tag exists" is this fine or is this something i should worry about and best ways to fix this? All urls tested have this issue which is something if anything i want to stamp out.
I found out what it was smacking me in the face 🤦‍♀️ probably doing more harm then good :rolleyes:

I added java script block which was causing me issues:

<noscript><h3> You must have JavaScript enabled in order to use this website. Please
      enable JavaScript and then click home page in order to continue. </h3>
      <meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content=0;url="javascriptNotEnabled.php"></noscript>
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