Implemented Add option to disable emojis


Well-known member
I know, I know, everyone uses them right? But, an option to not allow emojis would be nice for those of us that don't.

The way it's set up in 2.1 emojis are able to be selected when composing a message, but obviously won't display in the final post if you don't convert the database to utf8mb4. So, an option not to use/show them would be good.
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I agree, I find that sometimes it takes a long time to load and forums already have smileys in most cases. ^^
I would get my butt kicked hard if I tried to do away with them, but I don't have an issue with the idea in principle
This was actually implemented I think.

First of all we shouldn’t really have been displaying any emoji stuff if your XF1 database hasn’t yet been converted to support emoji.

Second we appreciate that not everyone wants to display emoji in the smilie menu so we added a new option to disable that if you wish.
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