Add-on Update Notifier

Add-on Update Notifier 1.1.8

No permission to download
mazzly updated Add-on Update Notifier with a new update entry:

Download link to directly download free add-ons instead of going to developer's resource page

If a download link allows direct downloading from the Xenforo resource page, send the browser there instead of the developer's resource page.

This is a UX improvement since most owners are likely already logged into XF, while on the developers own sites' they might not even have an account.

Thanks for the suggestion/report @Mr. Jinx

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mazzly updated Add-on Update Notifier with a new update entry:

Trending Xenforo Add-ons section added

We added a new section to our site that highlights new/fresh and trending add-ons that might be of interest.

The existing "best Xenforo Add-ons" page only highlights the most used ones, which favors older add-ons that have been around a long time and therefore will likely have more installs.

This new section is more dynamic and will boost newer add-ons higher up to promote new and popular add-ons as...

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Hi @mazzly
I have already added countries restrictions for downloading and purchasing my resources on XenShop and I have read your last updates saying This release adds the option to prefer downloading from developer's own site if it exists.

I wanted to known if this add-on is respect [OzzModz] XFRM: Downloads Country Restrict add-on before users allowed to download any paid or free add-ons from developer website?

P.s I am concerned there maybe some user from blocked countries might be able to bypassed the check before downloading any free or paid add-on.
Hi @mazzly
I have already added countries restrictions for downloading and purchasing my resources on XenShop and I have read your last updates saying This release adds the option to prefer downloading from developer's own site if it exists.

I wanted to known if this add-on is respect [OzzModz] XFRM: Downloads Country Restrict add-on before users allowed to download any paid or free add-ons from developer website?

P.s I am concerned there maybe some user from blocked countries might be able to bypassed the check before downloading any free or paid add-on.
It just means that the users is redirected to the addon/resources page of the developer, but they still need to be logged in to dowbload if your site requires that.

So that uödate won't circumvent any blocking you have setup on your site 😊👌
It just means that the users is redirected to the addon/resources page of the developer, but they still need to be logged in to dowbload if your site requires that.

So that uödate won't circumvent any blocking you have setup on your site 😊👌
Thank you for your reply 😎
This update from Xon was not detected on my server:
Browser Detection 2.3.0

View attachment 286075
Thanks for reporting this...

Yes, this was apparently a small bug related to the update in where we added support for XoN's format... When he releases a version where it changes from the standard format to his format, it would not update the version_mapping directly (The next release of the same addon would've fixed it)..
mazzly updated Add-on Update Notifier with a new update entry:

Backend: Fixed a bug related to XoNs version format

In this update we added support for XoN's special versioning format.

There was a small bug with this change so when he released a new version for an add-on that made the switch from the correct versioning format to his own, our system didn't map it correctly directly (it would've done it on the next release of the same add-on).

This has now been fixed and updates for XoN's...

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I am not quite sure which parameters to select in Cloudflare. Seems "skip" replaced "allow" in cloudflare:

Screenshot 2023-05-29 at 19.26.23.webp
Thanks for your fast response. Actually, my questions, which components to skip. User agent blocking? :unsure:
Hmm that is a good question.. I would guess browser integrity check is the most critical one, and super bot fighting as well as user agent blocking..
I added and paid for an upgrade api key. Does it take time to update that? It's not showing as of yet.

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