A lot of Facebook signups with incorrect email addresses

Sal Collaziano

Well-known member
...is this, I don't know, normal? I haven't checked every account that may have registered with Facebook - all I know is that the majority of delivery errors to people who register at my various forums - are people who registered using Facebook. Is there something to this? Or are all these people simply using old email addresses at their Facebook accounts?
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With this addon you can remove the ability to register via connected accounts, but still allow them to log in with them,
I actually like giving people the ability to easily/quickly register using Facebook. So I'd rather keep the users with the bad email address than not have them register at all. I'm mainly just wondering if this is happening to anyone else - and if it's a problem with XenForo - or if a lot of people just change their email address and never update their Facebook account.
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