[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Jaxel added 2 hooks, one for threads and the other one for the forum, in the overview of the addon. Just have a look at "Usage Notes" and everything you need is explain there.
Hiya, any one got any ideas how to add multiple RecentNews blocks so can have 2 columns each with a different one in?

Didnt see the info on the user guide about this

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can nobody help me to set widget framework boxed to the left side ??? on sidebar is going ! kann mir irgendjemand helfen die widget framework boxen auf die link seite zu stellen ??? sidebar geht ohne Probleme
Once I've activated the blocks of RecentFeatures & RecentThreadx5, they also shows under the thread and comment box. Could someone else help how to fix the bug? Thanks in advance

I use:
>XenForo 1.2.3
>XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

@Jaxel: Is it possible to easily rephrase the activity phrase from "Viewing portal index" to "Viewing page Home"? (The blue text represents the hyperlink.) I've tried this before, and I know "Viewing portal" is a phrase, which can be easily changed, but it looks like "index" comes from somewhere else.

Personally, "Viewing portal index" sounds okay, I just like "Viewing page Home" better, but I also think that "portal index" should be the hyperlink, not just "index," because then it's quite clear what the link is.
Could someone help me with XenForo?

I have the latest version of XenForo, I have everything installed. Working great, I wanted to get XenPorta because that was the last thing I needed to complete my official forums. I have linked XenPorta to my announcements forum, but when I make a post in announcements it does not show up on the front page? Can someone help me resolve this issue?
I can't help you more since I did exactly what Jaxel told us to do. Can you send us the whole Thread_View so that we can see what is the problem?

I have attached a text file with my thread_view code
I can't help you more since I did exactly what Jaxel told us to do. Can you send us the whole Thread_View so that we can see what is the problem?
This is my thread_view: http://pastebin.com/Z24fKJ70
Where is the problem?
ACP->Options->Basic Board Information-> Index Page Route
set this to portal/

I feel stupid

1. My forum used to be in /public_html/f/ and i have cPanel redirect to it
2. I tried to set up portal using different ways (and cPanel redirects) but then realized it only can work if forum live in root folder
3. So I moved forum into /public_html/
4. then I went to ACP->Options->Basic Board Information-> Index Page Route and set it to portal/
5. Now my forum lives in http://mysite.com/forums/ and it is good, but home page dispayed as http://mysite.com/f/index.php?portal/ and i don't have a way to see home page
6. if I remove portal/ from ACP->Options->Basic Board Information-> Index Page Route - I can see home as http://mysite.com/portal/ but I lost forums. Instead of http://mysite.com/forums/ I now seeing http://mysite.com/f/index.php?portal/

It is really confusing and i cannot find a way to fix it. May be I need to restart forum? Reinstall forum? reinstall portal? Change some config file?

Please help.

P.S. I use version 1.2.4
I'm not following, you say you moved your forum to root, but yet your forum lives in /forums/ directory??

Also, I'm using my forum in a subdirectory and my portal works just fine in my root. What is the result you want to get?
1. I used to have emty root and all forum software lived in /public_html/f/
2. I move it into /public_html/

When I set "ACP->Options->Basic Board Information-> Index Page Route" to "portal/" it is making something such way so my forums somehow ACCESSIBLE via URL http://mysite.com/forums/
Forum still physically in the root.

but "home" button is not work.
yes i did. i even tried to change it to something like nysite.com/dfsfdsdf/sdf/dsf/sdfds/fsd/fd/s but it didnt take any effect.

I tried to disable Portal

and tried to reinstall portal. same errors :(
anyway: I copied whole site in new folder on my server host and it fixed the problem. I still don;t know where redirect was hiding: file .htaccess.txt did't seem to change.

I guess it might be good idea to extend portal documentation http://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenporta-user-guide-and-faq.24241/ with info:

1. we have to install forum to the web root
2. we should use ACP->Options->Basic Board Information-> Index Page Route instead of "Home > Options > [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) and enable by checking the option “Set as Index Controller”"
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