[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

No permission to download
Hi first ! Thanks for your helping
This is my testing forum not live ;)

The guest settings are only 2 point .....you see the setting and guest see no portal ;(((( thread view is allow....

I have the problem when I set the blocks in the admin cp , they set the blocks in the forum not in the portal .


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Hi first ! Thanks for your helping
This is my testing forum not live ;)
You should make sure that any test forum isn't accessible to the public as it breaks Xenforo's terms & conditions. ;)

The guest settings are only 2 point .....you see the setting and guest see no portal ;(((( thread view is allow....

I have the problem when I set the blocks in the admin cp , they set the blocks in the forum not in the portal .[/quote]
First problem - you should not be using NEVER! Never use NEVER (well, very rarely). You should be using Not Set (No). Take a look at this guide from Brogan which will help on permissions


You should also not be allowing guests the ability to promote threads...

I suggest you do not set the block positions in the portal. Click on the Portalanpassung link on your portal page and then click on Reset. Then remove that permission from everyone, including you. After that, I would recommend that you only use the layout in ACP > XenPorta > Layout to set layouts. Doing it there and on the portal page just mucks things up.

Then in the ACP > XenPorta > Blocks, click on each block listed and configure it as required. It is here that you specify which usergroups can/can't see the block on the portal page.

its my only forum ... the live forum is a vbulletin , so i think im correctly wtih the terms & conditons

i have reset and remove the permisson as you tell me

in the layout i have set portal

but now i have see the boxes in startseite and forum

And the default styl is working !


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I have uninstalled my previous installation of XenPorta and newly installed 1.6.0 with my upgraded XF 1.2.3. Everything is working fine but none of RecentThread or RecentThreadx5 blocks are visible (not empty, it is totally invisible).

I have added those blocks in different positions, but not working anyhow. Other blocks are working (RecentAccordion block is showing blank as well, but I don't care as I have RecentFeatures which is working).

I have XFArcade and Resource Manager installed as extra addons.

Did anyone face this issue before?


Is this being supported by the developer anymore? I have posted a couple of requests and never received a reply. I have the same issues as the above poster. Thanks
hi jaxel, you have tabs in recent thread block in your 8wayrun demo site. Could you please help me making that or like to share the block?
I have not fixed my issues :(

I have attached a pic of my main page where no recent news items are showing up - just black in the middle and a pic of my settings. Someone please tell me why this is so jacked up. I have reinstalled this add-on and nothing works.


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    main page.webp
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Here a my settings how have fixed my Problem

And i have disabeld boardtotals


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i have set ACP--xenporta--Options-- Globalized Custom Layouts---point on forum

goes du xenporta---layouts--layout type forum-## id1
how to have portal with fixed with and xf in normal fluid width?
I see your 8wayrun has it in the same way.
Good day,

I'm currently using version 1.5.7 of Xenporta and I would love to upgrade to the 1.6.0 version but everytime when I try to upgrade I get this error:
Template titles must be unique. The specified title is already in use.
Would anyone be so kind to help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Has anyone successfully updated the myRSSparser block for the new format? I was able to get as far as modifying the block so it installs and having myRSSparser.txt update so there is actual data, but the modified block template itself won't load on the portal page. I've searched for a while now, and it seems that this block was abandoned.
Good day,

I'm currently using version 1.5.7 of Xenporta and I would love to upgrade to the 1.6.0 version but everytime when I try to upgrade I get this error:
Template titles must be unique. The specified title is already in use.
Would anyone be so kind to help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance.

Not sure this is exactly your issue but I got this error when trying to re-install my custom blocks. The uninstall blocks does not delete the block css templates from Master Style. After deleted the block css templates from Master Style the issue went away.
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