[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Just wondering if anyone has heavily customized their XenPorta into a full-blown CMS. XenPorta is a great add-on, but I haven't seen any highly modified sites using XenPorta besides the ones with usual blog posts and articles on the front page.
Upcoming Event's XenAttendo block does NOT show up, no matter what I do, is there any suggestions to that, I've tried every possible location, and it doesn't seem to show up at all.
Upcoming Event's XenAttendo block does NOT show up, no matter what I do, is there any suggestions to that, I've tried every possible location, and it doesn't seem to show up at all.

The same thing happened to me, it wouldn't show up so I switched to the event calendar block. But I just now went back and moved the Upcoming Events block into place again and it showed right up. :shrug:

I also tried it on my localhost install and same results as above, it doesn't show up when I first move it into place. I'll try moving into place again tomorrow and see what happens... Might be a caching issue, I dunno.
Unfortunately we encounter one annoying error with the RecentNews block again and again.
All works fine but all of a sudden we receive a Bad Gateway Error 502/504. After deactivating the RecentNews block the Bad Gateway errors disappear.

Suggestions? Solutions? :D

Thanks in advance!

--> http://www.apfeltalk.de
Hey guys, First off, I would like to say wonderful add on!
Second, whenever I try and promote a thread I get a my sql error. After, the news shows, but whats with the error?
Hi, I've just installed XenPorta V1.6.0 and I like what I see :)

But somehow, I can't find the RecentFeature block. This is, how my list of installed blocks looks like:

Anybody knows, what I'm missing? :cry:
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