
  1. lanbin

    SMTP Error in XenForo 2.3.3

    Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportException: Email to from failed: Connection could not be established with host "ssl://": stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages...
  2. Mr Lucky

    Using Postmark (or other) SMTP with xenForo: Transactional vs Broadcast stream

    Is anyone using Postmark with xenforo? I see that they say you have to use either a transactional server or a broadcast stream Transactional must be single emails (not bulk) e.g. password reset, welcome email... Broadcast must be bulk (not single) e.g. newsletter, (presumably) same text in...
  3. Mr. Jinx

    Fixed Incorrect phrasing of mail encryption

    Xenforo is using the following phrases for email encryption: None TLS SSL Looking at the mail standards, we have STARTTLS and SSL/TLS. I think Xenforo uses TLS as STARTTLS and SSL as SSL/TLS. Just a side note: STARTTLS would be less secure than SSL/TLS, so it is important to use correct naming...
  4. ActorMike

    SMTP Session is closed after each recipient over SSL

    I noticed this a few years ago, but didn't want to fool with it so I just used a non-SSL connection since our mail server and web server are all on one Windows 2019 machine and when the spool messages are sent they go out via TLS anyway. Worth noting, that this issue also presented on a Win 2012...
  5. A

    XF 2.2 No mail verification delivered (upon new registration)

    Hello, I just installed xenforo on google cloud. Now I have a problem: New users can not register, as no verification mail arrives in the inbox. I tested it with gmail / protonmail accounts. Are there any SMTP / POP3 things I have to setup in the xenforo dashboard?! What I read in the...
  6. RG70Hz

    XF 2.2 Set up inbound parse for smtp relay

    Currently I use send grid api for email verification on my site. I have a verified sender-support email where users should be able to reach out for any issues they may have. So far I have tried using the integration guide for outlook (doesn't seem to work), I have tried using a web event hook...
  7. RG70Hz

    XF 1.2 SMTP Mail Server Not Working Properly

    I have a domain & domain email all set up. I have some questions I need help with for trouble shooting. Background info: I have a locally hosted website using my domain [my domain name]. It uses XenForo forum software and is routed through cloud flare. I have my email routing set up through...
  8. Surf_Rider

    Few questions

    Hey there! Need help with two questions. 1. How to moderate private messages (conversations) 2. Where email queue located ? Is it possible to flush email queue or this is a mail server issue ?
  9. whatever1234

    XF 2.2 Office 365 does not work with XenForo

    Referring to: I believe the error is within XenForo's control, otherwise it wouldn't have worked with the simple python script.
  10. JasonBrody

    XF 2.1 Solution for Email validation to deal Email Bounce

    Hi, Currently I'm using Amazon SES for SMTP mail service, but recently I'm getting lots of Email bounce reports which is alerting in AWS account as member's are trying to register using invalid mail ID's (I've already restricted registration to Gmail, Yahoo mail only. Seems xenforo's integrated...
  11. G

    Lack of interest Allow self-signed SMTP/TLS certificates with your chosen email server.

    Would it be possible to add a tickbox to later Xen versions that allows you to use self-signed SMTP/TLS certificates with your chosen email server? ProtonMail Bridge ( and requires this to function, but I'm sure many other relays would benefit. The code is simple...
  12. Olecoot

    XF 2.1 Setting up email using G-suite

    I'm setting up my new forums to use Gmail and I'm having some issues getting it to function properly. Is there a current whitepaper or a good link explaining this process? things I have done so far are configured my smtp relay G-suite, used my login for gmail on the xenforo email settings...
  13. spectre007

    SMTP server (using postfix, nginx & Ubuntu 16.04)

    Got Postfix installed on Ubuntu with Nginx & Xenforo. Where do I get (or set on linux) the SMTP hostname user and pw to input for the Xenforo admin e-mail configuration settings? Thanks.
  14. trangchongcheng

    Connection timed out with SMTP Email xenforo Config

    I config email SMTP with gmail for xenforo with info: port 587 User: my gmail | Pass: from app pass Encryption: TLS / SSL but i use Test outbound email then error and i cant register member for forum. This is error. ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be...
  15. sudrien

    Not a bug wants OAuth 2.0

    Trying to set up gmail smtp Email transport method: smtp ( : 587) Authentication - no OAuth 2.0 option Encryption: TLS Apparently Gmail really wants OAuth 2.0 - support would be nice. Current workaround...
  16. Codeless

    XF 2.0 SMTP connection error

    Hello i am getting error while testing my smtp connection ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host [ #0] (code: 0) i have validated my email credentials with Mozila Thunderbrid everything works normal i have used proper ports and...
  17. Joel Smith

    XF 1.5 XenForo - Emails - SMTP Errors

    Hello Everyone! Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this post. I've been setting up my XenForo website recently and I've noticed, that none of the confirmation emails actually get sent. Because of this, I did some research and followed the instructions of some webpages to attempt...
  18. Abhi Shah

    Cold Email Marketing - Send Unlimited Cold Emails at just $80

    SwipeMail: We have developed a cloud based platform for bulk email delivery. We have built our own i-MTA (AI driven Mail Transferring Agent) which keeps itself updated with the recent ISP's anti-spam policies, user's online behavior across internet and enables smart delivery for your emails...
  19. Sushix

    XF 1.5 Email Confirmation refuses to send - Could not open socket

    Having issues trying to get email confirmations to send. The Default email transport method gives no error message but users don't receive any email. Attemping to use an SMTP with Pepipost and I get this error: "Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception: Email to failed: Could not open socket...
  20. G

    XF 1.5 SSL / TLS problems with SMTP after server move / PHP upgrade

    We've just moved our XF install to a new server. We're now running Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.1 on CentOS 7. We use a G Suite (formerly Google Apps) account for the forum's outbound email. Everything on Google's end is set correctly because it was all working fine until the move. We haven't changed...
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