Few questions


Active member
Hey there! Need help with two questions.
1. How to moderate private messages (conversations)
2. Where email queue located ? Is it possible to flush email queue or this is a mail server issue ?
Conversation messages are only visible to participants of the conversation and therefore can't be moderated.

The xf_mail_queue_table contains emails which haven't yet been sent.
Why do you need to clear it?
I think i have spam issue because i have NDR reports on forum email.
Warning: message 1lMUBf-0003Na-AJ delayed 144 hours
452-4.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. #it means that mailbox full
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its
recipients after more than 120 hours on the queue on #Hosting-smtpserver
I try to investigate it and decide that this message occure when some user pm to other user. And this recepient have full mailbox or not enough space or something else.

I think i need to adjust delivery attempts parameter somwhere
You can moderate conversations if
  1. the user adds you to the conversation or if
  2. the bad messages are reported (putting them in the moderator report queue).
  3. You look at them directly in the database through something like phpMyAdmin*
*Conversation messages are stored in your database in the xf_conversation_message table and you can read their contents if you really need to manually look at the messages to find spammers but it's generally considered rude to snoop on people's private messages unless you have a very good reason to do so. If you know what you're looking for, you could run SQL queries to find that in the message table (e.g. find all messages containing a spam site's URL).

It sounds like your forum wants to send an email notification about a PM a user has received, but your mailer doesn't like something in the email.

As a workaround you might be able to suppress the PM contents by disabling the inclusion of contents in reply notification emails.
Maybe he could force the user into an inactive/awaiting confirmation state where he needs to provide a new, working email to activate his account again.
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