
  1. BassMan

    [cXF] Welcome Notice Widget 1.1.2

    Description: This add-on will show a welcome notice as widget to guests on your forum. Features: add notice as a widget and position it almost anywhere highly customizable in style properties (change text color, background, icons, button color etc.) title and description are phrased for easy...
  2. ActorMike

    Lack of interest Notices criteria- IS NOT associated w/ Google/Facebook/Twitter

    It would be helpful to have the option to show a notice if the user's forum account is not associated with their Google/Facebook/Twitter account so you can post a notice to them and link to the /account/external-accounts and prompt them to do so.
  3. N

    Add-on Must acknowledge a popup notice to view a node

    Is there any add-on which can allow a person reading or posting in a node only after accepting & acknowledging our message shown in a popup... we are opening a node which may contain references to topics, which may be unsuitable for minors under age of 18. I want to the members to accept &...
  4. c0ngit

    XF 1.5 How to delete all notifications

    Hi guys! Every time I access the admin area I received this message, even though I have deleted them. Then they show up again, I was very upset. How to remove them from the admin Pls download images the attachment !!
  5. indicator

    MG 1.1 Notice on Media Gallery page

    IHi there, I am trying to show notice on media page but I can't figure out how to achieve this. Notice is showing on individual category however, can't show on media index page. what page criteria do I need to use? I have selected Page is Within Gallery Categories at the moment.
  6. optrex

    Lack of interest No location criteria missing from notices

    I used to use no location as an option within notices as a custom field. However since location was made a default option on a version upgrade, I have removed my custom version, but that means there is not a way of managing notices to produce a notice when there is no location set. It feels...
  7. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Notice like on 1.0.0

    In this guide it's explained how to create a notice like on with active buttons: It's fully customizable, easy to edit text and links for buttons. Support is given in appropriate thread. Live demo on
  8. BassMan

    [cXF] Facebook Sidebar Block [Paid]

    BassMan submitted a new resource: [cXF] Facebook Sidebar Block - Add Facebook Page widget to your sidebar block with some extra features. Read more about this resource...
  9. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Facebook Sidebar Block 1.4.1

    Description: This add-on will add a Facebook Page widget to your sidebar. It's useful if you want to give users an option to choose if they want to have see a Facebook widget or not. Read more below. * if you will use Font Awesome icons, it is recommended to install this add-on...
  10. otto

    Register Form Email Notice EN / DE

    Register Form Email Notice - english / Deutsch Adds to the registration form directly below the entry field for the email address some important information for the potential new user. Screen: I have this TMS change already run for a while and the support requests due not received...
  11. BassMan

    [cXF] Twitter Sidebar Block [Paid]

    BassMan submitted a new resource: [cXF] Twitter Sidebar Block - Add Twitter widget to your sidebar block with some extra features. Read more about this resource...
  12. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Twitter Sidebar Block 1.4.1

    Description: This add-on will add a Twitter widget to your sidebar. It's useful if you want to give users an option to choose if they want to have see a Twitter widget or not. Read more below. * if you will use Font Awesome icons, it is recommended to install this add-on...
  13. BassMan

    [cXF] Welcome Notice [Paid]

    BassMan submitted a new resource: [cXF] Welcome Notice - Show welcome notice to guests on your forum. Read more about this resource...
  14. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Welcome Notice 1.1.0

    Description: This add-on will show a welcome notice to guests on your forum. Compatible with Xenporta 2. Features: welcome notice shows to guests only show notice on all pages or only on forum index change text easily by editing phrases (HTML can be used) style welcome notice in style...
  15. enivid

    Add-on Remind Users to Post If They Have Not Posted for Some Time

    Hello! I need an add-on that would remind users who have not posted for some time (e.g. 1 month) to post and participate in discussions. The reminder could be in form of a notice, for example. Please let me know how much would it cost and how long will it take. I prefer to pay via Skrill, but...
  16. agison

    Implemented Notices for Un-Applied Template Modifications

    Hi! Sometime we modify templates or update Addons, some Template Modifications would not be applied. Could we have some notices for this issue (may be an option to turn it on or off)? Thank you.
  17. Mr Lucky

    XF 1.5 Duplicate a notice

    How do you duplicate a notice? I accidentally did this but then couldn't find how I'd done it. I'm sure it's very obvious but I can't work out what I clicked on. Can anyone help please
  18. Rob

    Unmaintained Stylish Notices 1.1

    REQUIRES XENFORO 1.5 BETA 2 This add-on allows you to set a custom css class on BLOCK notices. Once installed, you'll notice an additional "Notice Class" field, when adding or editing a block level notice. I've included one style, "stripes".... if you give any block notice the "notice class"...
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