
  1. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Simple Account Menu 1.0.0

    Description: Simplify the visitior tab account menu. DEMO on our site Screens: < without add-on > < with add-on >
  2. omds

    Duplicate Header Menu Management

    It should be a basic function to extend and (re-)order the header navigation.
  3. Painbaker

    Unmaintained [HA] 3D Navigation 1.0.1

    BUYER BEWARE!!! This addon is unmaintained, no support is offered with this any longer. You may also check the live demo here! Hi, Using [HA] 3D Navigation you can add a menu to your site with attractive effects. In order to see how it looks exactly, check the demo! All different effects of...
  4. ibaker

    Unmaintained New Menu Navigation System 1

    This completely new, different, modern and very much mobile friendly menu and navigation system has been running on my own site for nearly a year now and the 10,000+ users absolutely love it. I am releasing it here in the interest that others may like to enhance it and post there enhancement...
  5. I

    MG 1.1 Edit galley dropdown in menu

    How do I remove the drop down that comes up under Gallery in my horizontal menu?
  6. Stuart Wright

    XF 1.5 How best incorporate our menu with UIX?

    At some point I want to implement UIX on AVForums (@Mike Creuzer) but the main thing holding me up is that I need our unique menu system to work with it. It was coded by John Warwick who continues to work on our editorial system. What I want is something more like an addon which I can install on...
  7. BassMan

    Quick Navigation in Menu [PAGE]

    BassMan submitted a new resource: Quick Navigation in Menu [PAGE] - Adds quick navigation icon link in menu opening like a page with some customization. Read more about this resource...
  8. BassMan

    Quick Navigation in Menu [OVERLAY]

    BassMan submitted a new resource: Quick Navigation in Menu [overlay] - Adds quick navigation icon link opening in an overlay. Read more about this resource...
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