
  1. shri

    XF 2.3 Importing / Merging Multiple VB 4 Forums to 1 XF

    Hi there, Have been lurking for a while and have finally gotten down to putting XF through its paces. It meets all our requirements but I do have a question. I have multiple old forums say / & running on 4.2. I would like to do the following. Setup with xf 2.3 when...
  2. RichDevman

    XF 2.2 Restart an import

    Does anyone know the method to restart a vbulletin import? I’m talking about just being able to either import new users and content or being able to reset just the content and not the entire site. I have an idea how to do it but I don’t want to start experimenting if someone in here already...
  3. W

    Importing from Ruby on Rails

    Hello! I'm a representative for a forum that was built in the mid 2000's in Ruby on Rails. Our forum code is getting on in years, and we are currently looking at options for replacing it. It is crucial to us that we can migrate posts, accounts, and passwords over to any new forum architecture...
  4. F

    XF 2.2 The directory '/images/avatars/upload' could not be found or is not readable.

    Not sure what the problem here is. The PBB3 forum I'm trying to import from is in a subfolder pbb3forum under public_html. I have tried both with and without the pbb3forum on the front of the path, but get the sale error. Both directories and files are set to 777. Totally at a loss as to what...
  5. N

    XF 2.2 Transferring WordPress posts into XenForo threads

    We have a few thousand WP posts that we'd like to transfer into an XF site, as either threads or articles (XF or AMS). We'd want the featured images and attachments/embeds to come along with the rest of the posts. I suspect there must be solutions out there, or at least experts with the tools...
  6. F

    XF 2.2 Importing a PBB3 forum

    I have a new install of Xenforo on HostGator. I have a PBB3 forum on a server which is on Liquid Web. Can I have the Xenforo importer do the transfer from another server or must I transfer the PBB3 forum to the HostGator server first? I don't see an option in the "Configure Importer" screen in...
  7. questlot

    XF 2.0 Xenforo Import Error

    I tried to import from the Xenforo forums and got an error during user import. I tried importing from Forum1 to Forum2 and i go the below error: Any suggestion to get this issue resolved? Both forums are xenforo and they are on the same server. XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1048]: Column...
  8. M

    XF 2.2 Redirects with htaccess for Discourse URLs

    Hi, since the redirect script is not available for Discourse, I would like to try to do something like this. Can someone give me a little help? 🥹 I would like to convert only thread URLs from to And...
  9. questlot

    XF 2.2 Xenforo Import to Another Xenforo

    I want to import existing xenforo 1 forum to existing Xenforo 2nd forum. What am i supposed to enter in the data directory and internal data directory?
  10. questlot

    XF 2.2 How to Import categories content to a new forum

    I want to import some of my XenForo categories to a new forum without exporting all the content except categories that I need. E.g I have a forum (domain1) that have the following categories with content: Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 And another XenForo fresh new site (domain2) To...
  11. Lorthirk

    XF 2.2 No preview shown for any link after import from SMF

    Hello all, I imported an old SMF forum to Xenforo. Everything works great, but I noticed that old posts with an embedded media (YouTube, DailyMotion, etc.) are shown as links instead that showing the embedded video. If I then edit that post and just save it without changing anything, the video...
  12. Arun Kumar

    XF 2.2 Problem with Importing vBulletin Attachments.

    Source vBulletin Forum: 4.2.3 PL2 Attachments are currently being stored in the filesystem at /home/*****/public_html/attachment The Import was successful without any errors but all the attached Images are still in Vbulletin Format. Example link after the Import...
  13. J

    Russian Language for XenForo Importers 1.5.1 Rev.2

    Full Russian Language for XenForo Importers Detailed description in the file README.txt
  14. CMTV

    Unmaintained Question Threads to XF 2.2 1.0.1

    The convertation is happening during the installation stage so do not install before you are ready! (see "Usage") Since 2.2 XenForo has its own question-solution system. It means there is no need to use "Question Threads" addon. This addon will convert all data from "Question Threads" addon to...
  15. Sal Collaziano

    XF 2.1 Having some trouble with an import...

    I just imported from vBulletin 3.8.11 and all seemed to go well until I got a blank screen at the finalization... Server error log ErrorException: Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4718592 bytes)...
  16. RallyFan

    XF 2.1 Ability to export all config settings (not just style).

    Hi there, I believe the answer is "not possible", however let me put forth a usage scenario in which import/export might be important. I'm currently in the process of a test build (site and xenforo), and as I figure out and fine tune the forum, I'd like to be able to export all the final...
  17. karll

    XF 2.1 XF to XF import and redirects

    I'm going to merge two XF boards: everything from board A into board B. I'm hoping that the merge/import can do the following: Bookmarked links to threads and posts on board A will continue to work, presumably through some kind of redirect script. For a member account on board A where the same...
  18. developr

    XF 2.1 import vbulletin4 forum tree into a single parent node

    I would like to set a parent node to import a vbulletin forum tree into a single parent node. But in the configuration there is no option available to select a parent node. I created a categorie node before I started the configuration of the importer.
  19. zoldos

    XF 2.1 phpBB 3.2.8 to XF 2.1.x?

    I have a phpBB 3.2.8 forum. It's decent, but it's no Xenforo. If I buy a new XF license, will I be able import?
  20. zoldos

    XF 2.1 phpBB 3.2.8 to XF 2.1?

    Is there an import function to go from phpBB 3.2.8 (latest version) to XF 2.1? Thanks!
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