Gaming avatar packs to add to your forum, 150x150 avatars. Will add more over the year, feel free to request sets in the discussions. Feel free to share these among your communities but please do not claim you created them.
Pack includes
Destiny 2
Player Unknown Battlegrounds...
Hi all, thought I'd share a new gaming style in the works, just curious if anyone finds it cool or has some feedback!
This one is called Modern Gamer, and is a fairly reworked version of an old unused portfolio piece. I wanted this style to be a bit of a throwback to the old gaming portal...
So I'm looking for some thoughts and opinions from site admins or developers, and what you think of platforms like Xenforo vs Wordpress.
We want to create a gaming league/tournament community that is Playstation-focused, with team memberships, contests, season tournaments and fun challenges. We...
I was wondering if anyone here knows or could code an addon for a HTML5 based arcade for Xenforo? Currently it appears that XF Arcade won't be supported anytime soon, with the maker stating they have no plans to support it for XF 2. I've also contacted DragonByte Tech to see if they had any...
Hi :)
Are there any devs developing a Destiny LFG add-on? Maybe make it multi-game with different skins.
I know there already is but to be able to insert a page on my own website, where both members and guests can login and search for others to play with, would be...
.-= Awesome Rank Set For Gaming Forums =-.
Made this a while ago for my old forum, since the forum is no more, just decided to share with you all.
I don't have the PSD'S sorry.
TVG is a new forum that just officially released today. It's a general gaming discussion community that focuses on attracting gamers internationally to discuss the games they love to play.
I would love to hear your feedback and advice on the community. And please...
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to create a thread starter API based on this website:
I am aware of the TGDB Thread Starter add on, but the igdb is better indexed and set up. I am willing to pay for this mod to be made so feel free to contact me so we can...
Hey All,
Well my forums have been up for a while now so it's best to get some feedback and find some areas of improvement. I'll give you all a quick history lesson on bG and hopefully it'll make more sense:
I started bG back in 2009 and closed the community in...
Site Name:
Site Link:
Site Features:
Fully Responsive Modern Style
Paste (WIP)
Image Uploading Script(WIP)
Resource Manager(WIP
and much more!
Site Description:
GeekZone is a newly launched community currently dedicated to coding and graphics. We will open...
The Noobist Community is an off topic community for nerds! Comics, tabletops, cosplay, Klingon, LARPing, manga, the Carlton dance from The Fresh Prince, blowing into NES cartridges, the weird people who actually read Tolkien's The Silmarillion--this is the place to discuss it all!
A branding removal license and instructions on how to remove the brands quick and easily can be purchased HERE for $50. Each branding removal license is good for ONE forum only!
What is XenRio?
XenRio is a live streaming browser and front-end. It periodically scrapes various APIs in order to...