Oldschool way to display content. No default xenforo widget sidebar. Main forum content based on nodes and last posts.
Better member online widget:
Content box display:
Node display + Latest post sidebar:
Slider on portal:
Simple portal:
Forum stats widget: (requires Stats Widget...
About jsdmat
This modification enables a XenForo installation to automatically toggle light and dark styles based on the user browser's UI setting "prefers-color-scheme".
Adding this CSS media feature directly to XenForo CSS definitions is hardly possible for the current architecture. Switching...
Quick Theme Switcher
Have your Forums consist of multiple themes?
Do you want to provide the functionality to your users to select their preferred theme easily? 🤔
For Xenforo Lovers, Forumcube has launched the "Quick Theme Switcher" Addon this year Theme switcher is pretty easy to use, facile...
Rain style is for people who want to try something more then just a dark theme. It can be used for all kind of communities.
You can:
set background for node
set icons for each forum
set big content display panel with highlights
set logo
set welcome message
set announcement
set custom footer...
Add an icon to easily switch between light and dark mode style with some extra features.
Note: with this add-on, no style is included. You need to have at least two styles to use the switch.
LIVE demo on https://www.synoforum.com
(you can switch between Light and Dark style AND...
Enjoy the extreme customization power and a very big set of modern components, features and options. Users will love your site because it gives them a unique user experience clean, modern & beautiful design. You will be easily able to customize it for your needs.
Main Features of Exclusive...
Uniform (dark) for xenforo 2
Uniform is a dark, modern theme focused around a background picker which applies a single background image throughout the entire forum, including category bars and forum icons. The theme is packed with customizable features which can be easily enabled or disabled...
Elegant Dark is developed to professional structure, flexible and multipurpose forum theme with excellent responsive design for XenForo 2.1+.
Elegant Dark is a functional design with advanced personalization features. It is a user-friendly interface with fully customizable style features and...
Demi is an dark theme that is grey & red themed. All images are customization in the Styles folder, and MUST be changed. The images shown are for place holder images only. They're copyrighed, and used for an actual product called Demi.
This theme doesn't come with a copyright, nor does it...
Aperture by xenfocus
The distinctive feature of Aperture is its parallax background image which blurs once the page is scrolled. The blurred image provides a softer, less distracting background for your content and a fixed navigation bar provides easy access to all of your navigation links...
Great theme for all fans of RolePlay games/servers! You can also use it on other forums beacause most of features are customisable.
You can:
set your own background
set icons for each forum
set forum cover
set logo as text + description in header
Other features:
collapse categories
UI.X Classic Dark
UI.X for XenForo 1 was the original flagship product from ThemeHouse/Audentio. Though the look and feel was modernized in UI.X 2, we decided to use the same colors, fonts, and general look and feel as it was back in XenForo 1 for a dark version. UI.X Classic Dark has been...
Dimension (dark) for xenforo 2
Dimension (dark) is a minimalistic theme for xenforo with a unique header effect. Once scrolled, the parallax header collapses into a fixed bar at the top of the page, while also blurring the background image, placing focus on your navigation links. The theme is...
illuminate (dark) by xenfocus
illuminate (dark) is a minimal, modern theme for xenforo 2. A compact header neatly contains your logo, navigation, a fluid search bar and user icons - while your main content is placed on a simple, dark background for easy reading (especially in dark environments...
Shades of Blue
A simple dark theme for XenForo 2
No template edits ...only CSS additions
The style has been exported as an "archive" so simply import the ".zip file" only.
Installation Instructions: While in the Admin CP, select:
Appearance > Styles > Import > Child of style: (No Parent) > and...
Carbon for xenforo 2
Carbon, named after the carbon texture which is used throughout the design, is a dark theme for xenforo and is especially perfect for gaming sites. Your members can customize the theme themselves by choosing their own color scheme and background image from a preset array...
Titan for xenforo 2
Titan is the ultimate gaming theme, based upon a large wallpaper image which is blurred behind textured navigation and category bars. Assign up to 6 background images via the theme settings to completely change the colour scheme, and let your members choose their favourite...